4 Things Every Expecting Mom Needs to Buy Before the Baby Shower

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When you find out you are expecting so many thoughts go through your mind.

Excitement. Fear. Worry. Joy.

You start thinking what do I need to do? Who are we going to tell? What do we need to buy?

You feel like you need to do something…but what?

I’m going to keep it simple for you. Let’s start by focusing on four things you need BEFORE your baby shower.

1. Download the What to Expect App

Go download the free ‘What to Expect’ app. This is a great way for you and your partner to learn what is going on in your body week by week.

The app will explain different pregnancy symptoms you may be experiencing and tell you what your baby is doing developmentally. You might learn when baby starts to hear your voices or that this week baby is the size of a lime.

Downloading the ‘What to Expect’ app is a huge way to help your partner feel included in the pregnancy.

Along my pregnancy journey, my husband started the habit of every Sunday reading aloud what we should expect for the week. By doing this we both knew what to expect and I think it helped us bond during the pregnancy. 

Don’t wait. Once you know you are pregnant download the app and learn about this crazy journey together.

It is a great resource!

Pin image for 4 Things You Should Get Before Your Baby Shower.

2. Purchase A Baby Book

If you plan to complete a baby book BUY IT NOW!

So many parents get behind on the baby book and then give up on it completely. This, if I’m being honest, is sad.

My biggest tip is to purchase it immediately and start filling it out. The book we purchased had a section about mom and dad: how we met, and our wedding, yadda yadda.

All of this stuff can easily be filled in before your baby is here. Why not get ahead?!

There is also a section on when you found out you are pregnant, how it felt the first time baby kicked and more topics like those that you will experience during the pregnancy. Keep these sections updated along the way.

You will thank yourself for being caught up when the baby arrives!

Don’t wait until your baby shower. At that point you will have so much to do! Get it now!

Should I Do a Baby Book?

Is it worth doing a baby book? That depends on your own choices. I think it is.

Some people would argue that it’s just something to hold on to. Yes, that is true, but it holds so much more value than old trophies or math tests. This baby book is packed full of information about the most amazing time in your life and the life of your baby.

If you are going to invest time into a baby book make it awesome! Don’t just write boring facts.

Write the funny stories of what you went through for this baby. Did you pee your pants when someone told a joke? Or how about that first time your baby pooped in the tub!

I suggest making the most of it. Put pictures everywhere. Write extra notes on the sides. Put everything you get at the hospital in there as well. Make it worth keeping.

Pro-Tip: Before baby comes go ahead and print out a few pictures and get them in the book. Picture from when you were dating, when you got engaged, and your wedding day. Include a few baby pictures of your own for comparison.

When it comes to pictures I suggest printing out wallet sizes. The pages don’t have enough space to fit a bunch of 4×6’s. Think small.

Just imagine your child as a ten-year-old flipping through this baby book. What will they enjoy reading or seeing? What will stand out to them?

Alternative to a Baby Book

I wrote in a journal during my pregnancy. So technically yes, I did both a journal and baby book. Journaling is a great option because you can dictate what you want to write about.  You can track stuff that usually doesn’t have a place in the baby book, such as prenatal appointments.

You could do either method. Do whatever you think you can best commit to for the long haul. If you need the formal structure go with the baby book. If you think you have the discipline to consistently write about what is going on, maybe try the journal.

Either way PLEASE start today. Once your baby is here you will get behind. Life just gets busier. Buy your baby book or journal before your baby shower.

Please do it! You will thank yourself!

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3. Get Stretch Mark Cream

Can stretch marks be prevented?

Is it all about genetics?

I am not a scientist. I cannot promise you that I know of the miracle cream.

However, if you are going to use stretch mark cream, do not wait to get it until your baby shower.

The day to start using it is today. Seriously.

Put it everywhere.

Put it on your outer hips, around your thighs, possibly even on your breasts. Oh, and of course on your actual stomach.

I thought I was doing great with mine, then one day I tilled back and saw my lower belly in the mirror. And it was rough looking. Put this stuff everywhere!

If you start noticing yourself gaining weight in a particular area start applying lotion there.

You need this item WAY before your baby shower.

I used Palmer’s Cocoa and would use it again.

Pro-Tip: You could add it to your baby registry then purchase it yourself. You may get a small percentage off by doing so. This can be done with any and all baby items you plan to purchase yourself. It can even be done after the baby is born typically for the first year!

4. Figure Out Clothing Organization

Yes, you can put this stuff on your registry.

There is nothing wrong with that.

 I, however, believe it is wise to go ahead and purchase items related to clothing organization before your baby shower.

It’s grouped here together because it just depends on your set up. This could include hangers, baskets, bins, and drawer separators. Get whatever items you will need. Think about all the small baby items you will have like socks, hats, bibs, etc.

If you don’t get organizational items at your baby shower you might be waiting around to organize the baby’s room, which is annoying if you are a nesting momma. I suggest purchasing them ahead of time.

Oh, and while I’m here I’d also like to throw out there that you don’t need those cute little hanging clothing dividers saying what size everything is. If you don’t know what I mean you can click here to take a look on Amazon.

Clothes that don’t fit your child don’t need to be in the closet, unless your baby’s closet is just huge. If you are working with a tighter space start a box of items to grow into and then once your baby is born start a box of outgrown items.  

Stay Ahead of the Game Momma!

These are the few things I believe you should focus on getting before your baby shower.

Get the app, start the baby book or journal, lather that stretch mark cream everywhere, and prepare to get organized. These things will help you feel like you are on the right track in preparing for your baby.

Better to feel ahead than feel behind.

And lastly congratulations momma!

Comment below and leave a tip for another pregnant momma on what they should purchase before their baby shower and check out my other articles to help get you prepared for your baby.

Check Out My Articles

The Top 11 Baby Items You Shouldn’t Waste Your Money On

The Top 16 Baby Products Every New Parent Needs: A Handpicked Selection

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