10 Affordable Outside Activities to Wear Out Your Toddler this Summer! 

Toddler Activities

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If you have a toddler full of energy let’s get them outside to experience the world. You can have a blast watching them enjoy the world around them while also burning off their crazy amount of energy. Even better yet you can find many affordable or even free options in the summer.

Let’s jump into the ten activities you can do with your toddler this summer!

1. Pools

You have to know somebody with a pool or access to a neighborhood pool. You may even have one in your backyard or neighborhood!

Take advantage of getting your toddler in the water. It might end up being a workout for both of you.

If you can be with your toddler one-on-one take this time to work with them on their swimming skills. If you have a baby in tow, consider signing your toddler up for swim lessons to increase safety around water.

Swimming wears everyone out so much more than expected!

Get your toddler swimming in the morning and expect a great afternoon nap from them!

2. Splash Pads

Where I am in the US we are seeing a huge increase in local parks installing splash pads.

These are particularly great if you have multiple young children that you are managing on your own. They are much safer than pools as far as drowning risks!

As the parent, you don’t necessarily have to get in the water with your toddler. You can watch from the perimeter and care for a younger child in a stroller or maybe on a blanket. I would recommend though wearing something that is dry fit and would not be terrible to get a bit wet. You never know when you might need to assist your toddler in the water area.

This of course will depend on how crowded the splash pad is that day, if your toddler is a runner, and what the general environment looks like.

You can find both free and paid versions depending on your local area.

We know we will be spending plenty of time at the splash pad this summer!

summer activities for a toddler

3. Water Table

If you find it easier to stay home with your toddler consider purchasing a water table. You can find a used one online for an affordable price.

Here are a couple on Amazon. Water table. Waterfall.

Water tables are great because once again there is a much lower risk of drowning than with a pool.

Your toddler can experiment with pouring water from cups and toys.

If you want to make this even more affordable you could simply use bowls and buckets and skip on the water table. Grab plastic drinking and measuring cups from the kitchen. You could also grab Tupperware and spoons.

If you change up the toys you include it will feel like a new activity every time.

I always recommend dumping the water table after use. If you leave it full the toys will get mossy and the water will attract bugs like mosquitoes.

4. Paint with Water

This is my final water activity. This could go with the water table or be a separate activity on its own.

Get a bucket or bowl of water and a new paintbrush. You can find paintbrushes for like a dollar. Remember this brush does not need to be quality. Your toddler will likely ruin it anyway! We are not painting the Mona Lisa here.

Find a sunny spot on the driveway or sidewalk and let your toddler paint with the water. Write letters and numbers. Make shapes and figures. Maybe stand in a spot where they can paint your shadow.

Kids love any excuse to get a little wet.

Once again this is a great activity if you have multiple children or find it difficult to leave the house in this phase of life.

It is ok to know your boundaries and what you can currently handle!

5. Bubbles

Not all parents love bubbles. They honestly are not my favorite thing.

I will say however that they are very affordable.

Try finding a system that works for you. We have all seen the trick where you tape the jar of bubbles to something so it cannot spill. You could also purchase a battery-operated bubble machine, which prevents your toddler from getting sticky or spilling.

You could also start with bubbles and then move on to a water activity, like painting the driveway,  to get rid of the sticky.

6. Chalk

Chalk is the most basic thing you can do!

Save the water activities for a hot and sunny day. When it is a bit more cloudy or windy consider chalk. You can also try to keep your toddler in the shade to decrease sun exposure.

Chalk is an item that you can easily travel with and can use in most places.

7. Take an Adventure Walk

Take a walk and let your toddler be the guide. Let them set the pace and direction, within reason of course!

Consider doing this activity at a park where they can collect little treasures in a bucket.

See what they find interesting and deem important.

These treasures can turn into learning opportunities and great conversations.

8. Go to the Park

If you are a stay-at-home parent try one new park every week. Look ahead for a day with good weather and map out where you will go. You will quickly learn which parks are best suited for where your toddler currently is developmentally.

You will also learn your park preferences. Maybe one park is fenced in, which helps with safety. You may quickly find you prefer a quiet church playground rather than the huge town park that is bustling with people.

It is completely up to you what makes a park “good”. Find what works for you and keep track of it for later dates.

If you are interested in summer activities for older children or the whole family check out, 20 Awesome Family Activity Ideas for Making the Most of This Summer

9. Play Date

If you want to wear your toddler out schedule play dates. Being around other children can be exhausting. They are learning to share and navigate relationships.

If your toddler is used to being alone then stimulation from the play date will have them exhausted for nap or bedtime!

10. Obstacle Course

If your toddler can handle following a bit of direction consider creating an obstacle course! You can do this with simple things from your home or garage.

Grab a ball and direct them to toss it into a bucket. Use a piece of wood as a balance beam. Place items in the yard and show them how to run through them in a weaving pattern. Place a broom down and instruct them to jump over the handle part.

You can also do some of these obstacles with chalk on the driveway.

This activity is great for toddlers. It can teach them to follow directions, perform tasks in order, and work on their motor skills!

This one is my favorite because you can adjust it to meet where they are developmentally and change it every time!

10 Bonus Activities!

Some of these are not so affordable, but I did want to still mention in chase you are needing more inspiration or need to get inside on a rainy day. A couple of these could be great free options for a rainy day such as visiting a pet store or going to toddler time at your local library.

11. Bounce Houses/Trampoline Parks

12. Zoo/ Aquarium

13. Restaurant Play Places

14. Children’s Museum

15. Petting Zoo/Pet Store

16. Farmers Market

17. Strawberry Picking

18. Discovery Centers

19. Sporting Events

20. Library


If your toddler is going to need an afternoon nap get going quickly in the morning.

I get everyone likes a lazy morning, but that will not be the best option if you would like to get an activity in before nap.

This is where preparing the night before can come in handy!

If you are going to the splash pad for example have everything you need laid out or packed in your car.

Consider packing breakfast and making it a picnic while you are there. This will keep your kitchen clean and help you get out the door. You were probably going to pack a snack or lunch to take anyway. It isn’t much more work to add breakfast.

You could do this for many other activities as well!

Basically, if you are prepared you can stay out of the house and keep your toddler busy from the moment they wake up until nap time.


Get creative with your toddler this summer! Enjoy the time you have with them and get out of your house. They can spend plenty of time playing at home with the same old toys all winter.

Take advantage of the weather when it is beautiful and get exploring.

Remember you only get 18 summers with your sweet child. Make the most of this one!

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