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The baby industry sucks you in like a vortex and before you know it you are registering for three bulk size baby body washes.
This will take you years to go through.
Calm. Down.
Maybe it’s the combination of the cutest baby items mixed with your innate need to nest, but all of the sudden you want all the things!
Take a step back! Slow down!
First of all, babies don’t need as much as we think they do. You can manage on very little at times.
Products are being marketed as items to make your life as a parent more convenient. While this can be true at times, the reality is all this stuff fills your world with clutter. It can be a bit overwhelming.
You want products that add value to your life. Some items are quite simply not worth having.
Let’s get to the good stuff. These are items that you just don’t need and should leave off your baby registry.
1. Baby Blender
They make these great things called blenders and food processors. They can be used forever in your kitchen for many purposes. You do not need to specifically get a baby blender. You do not need all of the little containers that come with it. You probably have relatively small Tupperware.
2. Swing
I have a full post on Why You Don’t Need to Put Your Baby in Seats. The swing is my example here of a large and expensive item that you just don’t need. My little baby never had a swing and never missed it. Don’t get me wrong some people love their swings. We never brought one into the house so we wouldn’t know. The truth is whether you love it or not you don’t NEED it.
3. Bassinet
Again, I have a full post dedicated to Why Baby Bassinets are an Absolute Waste of Money. Clearly, I am very passionate about not buying stuff. In that post, I offer alternatives to the traditional bassinet. Our baby went straight into the crib. Bassinets can be quite costly and are only used for a few months.
4. Bottle Sterilizer
Maybe I’m a weirdo here. I breastfeed so we did not use bottles hardly ever. Even if we did use bottles I think I would have just hand washed them and occasionally sterilized them on the stove or in the dishwasher.
Is that crazy? I don’t think so, but maybe it is.

5. Baby Lounger
There are baby loungers like the DockATot and there are other ones that are similar to a nursing pillow minus the hole. Guess what, you don’t need either. Babies can chill on the floor whether on their back or flipped over to get in that tummy time. Let them be free to roll!
6. Nursing Pillow
I skipped the nursing pillow and I successfully breastfed the whole first year. In the beginning, I used a pillow from our guest bed. Pretty quickly as my baby got stronger and I got the hang of things the pillow went away. It is short-lived and one less item we have to store.
7. Bottle Drying Racks
These are just stupid. This is a suck-you-into-the-baby-vortex item. Use a towel or whatever you dry normal dishes on. I know a towel…crazy!
8. Mobile
Mobiles can be dangerous over your baby’s sleeping area and can also distract your baby from going to sleep. Entertaining your baby during daytime hours can be done with a floor jungle gym or propping books around your baby to view. The ceiling fan or light fixture works too. Sometimes less is best.
9. Baby Robes
Skip the baby robe!
Get a hooded towel. We have loved these towels.
Pro-Tip Here! Get a toddler towel, rather than one for a newborn. It will be larger and therefore last longer. When you shop look at the product details to see where the measurements are listed.
There are certain baby items you can make any easy swap for a better option. Check out my article Money-Saving Baby Item Swaps that are Simple and Effective.
10. Fancy Baby Clothes
They are beautiful. They get destroyed. It’s sad.
Purchase nicer outfits for photo sessions when it counts. You don’t need fancy clothes on the daily.
11. Three Different Strollers
Put thought into this purchase and get what fits your lifestyle. Think about the seasons of life, newborn, crawler and walker, and how often you intend to use your stroller.
Where do you intend to use your stroller? Will you be using it in tight spaces indoors or out on a hike? Take time to evaluate how life is going to be with your baby.
12. Walker
Your baby can figure it out, trust me.
13. Changing Table
We set up a changing area on the extra bed in our baby’s room. It’s a twin bed that they will use one day. For now, we have a blanket on it with the diaper caddy next to it.
Another option is to do it on the floor. They can’t roll off the floor. #safer
There you have it, 13 items you just don’t need. There are so many products on the market for babies and new parents. These products are options…they are not necessities. You do not have to own every available baby item.
Pick and choose what works for you. Maybe you disagree with my list and a swing is a must-have item for you. I find swings to take up way too much space. And I do not want to teach my baby to sleep with the rocking motion. Our baby has never been in a baby swing and survived.
When it comes to my list, take it or leave it, that’s ok. The main thing is that you realize you do not need every baby product on the market. Even with a baby shower and generous gifts, you will GO BROKE!
Babies need room. Room to roll and crawl and explore the world. They need freedom of movement and space. They do not need stuff. They need food and love and to be cared for. You don’t need a million items to achieve this.
Comment below on which baby items you are leaving off your baby registry!
Check Out My Articles
The Top 11 Baby Items You Shouldn’t Waste Your Money On
Why Baby Bassinets are an Absolute Waste of Money
Instead of Buying a Baby Swing Give Your Baby the Freedom to Move
The Most Expensive Large Baby Items: Are They Worth the Investment?