Beautiful Baby Names that We Won’t be Using for Baby #2    

baby names

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There are some names that you love. They are beautiful, sweet, or maybe names you have dreamed about using since childhood.

Sometimes though, they just aren’t going to work.

There are many different reasons a name will not work for your baby. Let’s take a quick look at why some of these names will not work for our baby #2. These are things you should also think about when naming your child. After that, we can take a look at the names.

Maybe some of them will work for you!

Reasons We Aren’t Using the Name

The Name Doesn’t Work with the Last Name

There are many different reasons a first name doesn’t work with the last name.

It could be the first letters together don’t work for you. For example, Darla Duncan may get teased for being double D.

The last name could be an odd word that wouldn’t work well with a first name that sounds like a verb.

For example, Amanda Smack. If you break it down it sounds like A-Man-to-Smack. Amanda Smith is just fine or Madison Smack would be more appropriate. Watch out for both first names and last names that sound like a verb.

The thing we are watching out for is too many vowels. Our last name has quite a few so we have to be careful to select a first name that isn’t too crazy with vowels. That is the reason Kieran makes the list. I think this is a beautiful name for a baby boy, but it just doesn’t work with our last name.

A lot of parents make the mistake of focusing too much on the flow from the first name to the middle name. Like Darla Marie. Instead, focus on if you like Darla Donald. Your child will more often be called their first and last name. Just think about school ages.

The Name Starts with a Letter You Want to Avoid

Call me crazy but I do not want my children’s names to start with the same letter. Nor do I want their name to start with the same letter as mom or dad. I want them to have their own first letter.

Why you might ask?

For the future calendar!

I want to be able to label things quickly and easily. Here is what that could look like

C soccer 7:00 pm

S basketball 7:30 pm

You could use color-coding instead, but I love the idea of being able to label the calendar and honestly so many other things. We could be on a road trip with identical plastic water bottles. I can write a “C” on the top of one and an “S “on the other. Boom done!

My husband and I share the same first initial. This was obviously out of my control. I would love for us all to have unique first initials. Oh well! All I can do is choose unique ones for the kids.

You may also look at this from a different perspective. I can’t picture giving my child an O or Z name. These letters just don’t vibe for me. Maybe a ton of cousins have already used names starting with L. It is beginning to sound like a tongue twister for the grandparents so you choose to avoid L.

No matter the reason this could be a factor for you.

We Can’t Agree as a Couple

People will have very different opinions here. Sometimes one parent names the first baby then the other parent names the next. I could not live with choosing a name my husband does not like. I also could not hand over the reins and say, “go for it honey, you get to name this kiddo.” Nope, not a chance.

I believe both parents should agree to the name and at least have a certain level of “like” towards it. Both parents may not absolutely love it. That just can’t always happen I guess, it is definitely the goal though.

We plan to agree on a name as partners. Some other these names are on this list because one of us couldn’t get on board with it for various reasons.

We Know Someone with that Name

If someone close to you already used the name then you are likely to steer away from it. You hate to be a copycat and it can cause confusion of course. Some people also avoid the name of a friend’s pet. They may have a dog named Stella and even though you think that is a beautiful name you just can’t use it for your baby.

names we won't be using

Doesn’t Flow with Baby #1’s Name

If this is your second child you are probably saying the name of your first child and testing it with names you are considering for baby #2. These children are individuals so it isn’t imperative the names go together.

Some would just feel slightly odd together. Let’s say, Esmerelda and John. Those are very different vibes and styles of names. I can’t picture many people going for this combination.

Can you picture saying these names together quickly without it becoming a tongue twister? Are they also clearly individual names? I would find it annoying to yell up the stairs to Holly and instead Molly comes down.

We are considering the name of our first child while picking our second. The names do not need to be too far apart or too similar. Testing them together is still important though.

It is Beautiful, But Not Our Style

Some names are amazing, sweet, and beautiful, but I won’t use them for baby #2. They just don’t work for our vibe. Maybe they are too cool or hipster. Maybe they are too girly and feminine.

They are names I love and admire on other children but will have to pass on for baby #2.

It is ok to love a baby name and not use it. After all you only have so many children!

Now let’s dive into the names.  I went ahead and divided them into girl and boy names. The names I feel could be used for either gender will make it on both lists.

Girl Names















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Boy Names


















Again all these names are beautiful! We for whatever reason are not able to use them for baby #2. Maybe they will be the perfect fit for you!

If you need help coming up with a baby name for your little one grab this baby naming book from Amazon.

Good luck in naming your little one!

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