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I’ve seen so many lists of baby tips.
The most common being that onesies are designed so that you can pull them down if your baby has a blow-out. Yes, this is a great tip, and maybe you still haven’t heard about it.
For me, though I read it over and over again while pregnant. Since giving birth and taking so time to do this parenting thing. I have discovered a few tricks of my own.
Keep reading because #7 and #8 are my favorites on the list!
Let’s dive into my 8 amazing baby tips that you need to know right now!
1. Buy Stuff Ahead
There are two philosophies on buying ahead. One approach is “buy all the things!” just in case. The other is to buy stuff ahead that you are practically guaranteed to use and then buy other stuff as the need arises.
For example, do you want to have cold medicine at home or just wait and see if your baby gets through the winter unscathed? Do you mind storing stuff? For you is it worth the peace of mind to be prepared for anything?
The other strategy means shopping or thrifting a season or two ahead in sizes of clothing for your little one to grow into. Babies grow…this is inevitable. Other phases you are guaranteed to go through are times such as teething. Maybe some babies survive with nothing but a cold washrag, but others struggle and enjoy cooling gel and pain medication to get them through. Not to mention teething toys and freezer rings. Check out my full article How to Soothe a Teething Baby: Expert Tips and Tricks.
Whether you are minimalist or prepared for everything is completely up to you. But buy stuff ahead, or you will always feel behind.

2. Go with the Winter Car Seat Cover
If you go the infant car seat route purchase the winter cover! Socks, hats, and blankets just don’t stay on well if you are in a cold or windy climate.
Those quick trips of running into stores, restaurants, or into the house are the moments to close the flap and keep your little one warm. Always make sure the flap is open while driving or once inside your destination.
We only use the flap for the quick bursts outside. Always follow directions to keep your baby safe and use wise judgment.
This was a great product for a winter baby and made it on our list for My Top 11 Favorite Baby Items, click to check out the post.
This awesome tip is all about finding the right gear for your specific environment.
3. Get What Suits Your Lifestyle
Buying a jogger will not make you instantly become a marathon runner, especially post-birth. If you run or walk regularly get that jogger.
If you hike get a serious baby carrier with all the bells and whistles.
If you have a two-story home set up a changing zone in your baby’s sleeping area and in whatever room you spend most of the day.
Buy the products that you feel will help your baby fit into the life you currently live. If you buy based on your lifestyle you won’t have registry regrets.
It isn’t a crazy concept. By following this strategy you will also get the most use possible out of your items.
4. Track Feedings on Your Phone
Often when you leave the hospital you track your baby’s feedings along with bowel movements on paper. This is great for everyone who helps care for the baby and all the information is in the same place.
Once your partner is back to work and the hoopla slows down you may start leaving the house. At this point switch over to tracking feeding on your phone. Let’s get real; your phone is always with you. It can be very simple. I used a notes page like this:
For Breastfeeding:
8:00 Left
10:00 Right
12:30 Left
For Bottle Feeding:
8:00 4 ounces
10:00 3 ounces
12:30 4 ounces
If you get to the point that you are on a schedule and don’t need to track great, but for some of us ‘mom brain’ and lack of sleep is a real issue.
Another time to track what your typical routine is or how many ounces your baby is getting is before you have a visit to your pediatrician. They may ask you questions regarding this so with a note you will be prepared to answer. Take a look at my full article on Your Baby’s First Doctor Visit: What to Expect and How to Prepare.

5. Emergency Outfit and Diaper
You can survive anything with a diaper and an outfit.
Some people advise making an entire emergency kit.
If you are a momma that wants to be prepared for everything make the whole kit. If you are a momma that has been around the block a few times or follows a more minimalistic structure keep it simple.
At the end of the day, you need a diaper and an outfit in your car. You can survive anything with these.
You can purchase what you need, but a naked baby that is pooping everywhere is a problem. As long as you got them covered you can run into a store for formula or even get a package of wipes.
The minimal emergency kit for your car is a diaper and outfit. I suggest a one-piece outfit like a romper to simplify further.
With this 5th baby tip you can go as simple or complicated as you would like.
6. Buy a Quality Lotion and Body Wash
Your baby just entered the world with skin that hasn’t been touched by the outside world. Put the most gentle, non-scented products on their skin. We went with Burt’s Bees which I do believe had a mild scent, but was still very gentle.
Your baby may or may not suffer skin issues such as eczema, but better safe than sorry with their precious skin.
Also do not buy in bulk. You don’t know what will work for your baby until you use it.
Some other options that might be right for you include: Vanicream, Aveeno, and Cetaphil.
7. Sunning Clothes Can Help get out Stains!
I learned this while researching cloth diapers. Now don’t get me wrong the sun cannot combat everything. Blowouts and spit-ups from breastfed babies are the easiest to get out with the sun. I cannot say if formula-fed will do the same.
To sun clothing, blankets, or even bibs, wash as usual, and while the clothing is still wet/damp place outside so the stain is facing the sun.
You will be amazed by the results. This trick works particularly well on whites or light-colored clothing.
I’ve been using this trick on our bed pillows too. It works great!
This is my favorite baby tip because it isn’t just limited to baby stuff, is completely free, and can save you from trashing your stained whites!
8. Suction Cups
You may have seen parents use a device to suction their baby’s drink to their high chair tray. It’s basically a suction cup stuck to their tray with a leash that is attached to their cup.
Look for suction place mats, bowls, and plates for using at restaurants. We don’t use these products at home because we would like for our child to learn that her stuff does not need to end up on the floor.
However, public places are another ball game. At home it doesn’t bother us to pick up a fallen plate and have her continue to use it. Once it hits the ground in a restaurant it is game over.
There are also toys made with suction cups on the bottom. These are great for restaurants! No more playing ninja and catching falling toys.
Make you life easier and take advantage of suction cups.
These are what I consider a practical list of advice rather than a long list of items you need to buy. Hopefully, these small tricks, hacks, tips, and items can help you along your parenting journey.
Comment below any great hacks you haven’t heard anywhere else before.
Check Out My Articles
The Top 11 Baby Items You Shouldn’t Waste Your Money On
Smart Purchases for New Parents: My Top 11 Favorite Baby Products
From Birth to Baby’s First Birthday: My Top Takeaways as a New Mom
10 Simple but Effective Tips for a Fun and Stress-Free Baby Bath Time