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Is a double stroller or a wagon the right choice for your family? When we had our second child, we debated what exactly we should do.
If I could go back in time, I would at least consider registering for a single stroller that can be converted into a double stroller. However, we did not go that route!
This is the type of double stroller I would have considered!
With our first baby, we registered for a Graco Jogger Stroller. Here is a full review of the Graco Fast Action Fold jogger & Travel System. We love this stroller and have truly enjoyed it. But with adding a second child to our family we would like an option that can carry both children for certain situations.
Let’s dive into some of the factors that will influence your decisions to buy a wagon or double stroller.
Age Gap
I think a huge factor in what is best for your family comes down to the age gap! If you have twins or babies that are very close in age I would lean towards the double stroller. You are going to get plenty of use out of it and it will likely be worth the purchase.
If you have a larger age gap, say you have a newborn and a 3-year-old I think the wagon may be a better option. Your older child is getting more and more capable of walking depending on the situation, so the wagon can carry the younger child plus gear.
Now a newborn is not going to be able to handle riding in a wagon unless you have them completely flat and laying down. This will depend on the style of wagon.
What we did was use the single jogger for our older child and we just carried the newborn in a wrap or carrier.
Once our baby hit about 8 months we decided we would go with a wagon for carrying two kids rather than a double stroller.
With the large age gap, you can take the wagon for situations where it will be a long day with lots of walking. The wagon can carry one or two kids plus items like a small cooler.
I think I also just don’t like the look of a four-year-old in a stroller. That may just be a weird thing for me. I prefer the wagon look for big kids.
Double Stroller Pros and Cons
I am not reviewing a specifier double stroller. These are just general things to watch for.
Double strollers can feel very bulky. They have made a lot of progress over the years so try to find one that feels sleek and is easy to maneuver.
With the double stroller, you are not going to have as much flexibility. You have seats for two children and a small storage space underneath. You are sort of limited on options.
Double strollers are good for keeping children in their own spaces though. It can give some separation if needed.
With double strollers, you have to decide if you want side-by-side or tandem. The side-by-side is much more difficult to fit through doorways.
Double strollers can be very large once collapsed. Make sure you can fit it in your trunk before purchasing.
Wagon Pros and Cons
What I like about a wagon is the options. It can carry one or more children. It can carry all sorts of gear as well.
Say we have our younger child in the wagon with the diaper bag and a cooler. Our older child is walking. They become tired. We can squeeze them in the wagon to fit with everything or maybe we throw the diaper bag on one of our backs for a while to make space in the wagon.
You just have options with the wagon.
Pro-Tip: When it comes to wagons look into ones that have a push option. We did NOT want a wagon that was a PULL style. It just looks too rough on the shoulder!
We have also been in situations where we are with family and a cousin will get thrown in a wagon too.
Depending on the style of wagon you get they can be a nice flat surface for little babies or older nappers.
If you find a collapsible wagon, they can be fairly small when folded up. This is great for storage and traveling.
A wagon can also be used once your children are grown. You may go to an amusement park or something with an 8 and 10-year-old. You may go minimal and only carry bags, but if you tend to travel a bit heavily a wagon is a great option.
I have also seen many empty nesters using wagons. We go to some local park concerts and retirees will use wagons to transport their folding chairs and coolers.
This is also a great option for grandparents. They could use the wagon to carry gear as I just mentioned, but then use it for grandchildren if they care for them.
When it comes to wagons some have a bit more of a baby style with canopies and buckles, while others are a bit more utility based.
The one we went with is more utility based. I will do separate review of our wagon in the future.

I think it is really smart to consider a double stroller or a single stroller that can convert from the start.
It just makes the most sense in the beginning.
Because we had the single jogger stroller we went for the wagon. I love the wagon. However, if we had a double stroller from the start maybe we could have made do with only one item rather than needing to upgrade to the wagon. Or who knows maybe we would have still wanted a wagon as our children aged out of the stroller.
It is all dependent on your lifestyle and hobbies.
When it comes to baby items it really is important to think about the future and make the best of these large investments.
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Is the Graco FastAction Fold Jogger Travel System Worth the Investment?