5 Large Ticket Baby Items I Would Highly Recommend

large baby items

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What large ticket baby items are most important, necessary, and worth it in my practical opinion?!?

We are going to dive into 5 large purchases we decided on with our first baby. Do we regret them, love them, and what would we do differently if we had to do it again?

1. Stroller/ Car Seat

For many people, these will be two separate large purchases, however in our situation we registered for a Graco Fast Action Fold Jogger Travel System.

This purchase was a jogger stroller, an infant car seat, and one base. We purchased additional bases as needed. 

I liked the idea of buying a jogger that came with an infant car seat. This way the stroller could be used from day 1.  If you get a jogger without the ability to snap in an infant car seat it will not properly support a newborn. 

Everyone needs a car seat. And most people want a stroller.  These are two of the most common large baby items. 

I love this purchase. I still use my jogger nearly 4 years later for my second child. We used the car seat and bases for both children too. Check out a full review of the Graco Fast Action Fold Jogger & Travel System.

I feel we got our money’s worth out of this product and continue to do so.

I love a jogger stroller. I love the big wheels’ ability to handle rough terrain. I am not a runner of any sort. I wanted a stroller that could handle going through the pumpkin patch or walking on dirt trails. 

The only thing that I wish this stroller had was the ability to convert it into a double stroller or attach a riding board. Those are two features that I think would be nice in a stroller that typically you aren’t going to find with a jogger. 

You typically aren’t going to find every feature you could wish for in a product. You have to decide what you value most. 

2. Vava Baby Monitor

I cannot speak highly enough of our baby monitor. We are almost at 4 years of use. When we had a second child, we were able to add a second camera.

This monitor has been amazing in our parenting journey. 

Check out my full review for more details on the VAVA Baby Monitor. It is a great monitor. 

3. Hatch Night Light

I have a full article detailing exactly how we use the Hatch Light to help keep our family on schedule.

Check that out here, Everything You Need to Know About Introducing the Hatch Light to Your Little One. 

The Hatch light and sound machine is amazing. 

We schedule colors and sounds based on our bedtime and morning routines.

We are currently working on getting our baby used to their light.

Our first child learned about the light and our routines before making the switch to their big kid bed.

Our toddler does not leave their room at night for the most part. They understand the light and the rules about sleep.

It is a baby alarm clock. It helps them know what time to get up and what times to either continue sleeping or stay in their room because the house is still shut down. 

I attribute this light to our smooth transition from the crib to the big kid bed. 

I will say we did not start with this light from day one. We started with an old cell phone as our free sound machine. Then we learned about the Hatch Light and felt like it would be a good fit for our family. And a helpful tool in that bed transition. 

We love the consistency and schedule that this large baby item brings to our home. 

4 Benefits of Introducing the Hatch Light While Baby is Still in the Crib

4. Crib

As for sleep, we went with the crib from day 1. We skipped the bassinet. I do not regret that at all!

Why Baby Bassinets are an Absolute Waste of Money

We had a good experience with the crib. We got it secondhand from a family that ended up primarily co-sleeping. Our youngest is still in the crib. Our toddler is in a big bed. 

If I could do it again, I think I would consider the floor bed option. I wish I had incorporated more Montessori philosophies in our home from the start. 

The floor bed can last longer than the crib which means it can be even more worth the investment.

Starting in the floor bed also means not making the big transition from crib to bed. 

So, from personal experience I had a great experience with the crib from day one. But I would be interested in considering the philosophies of the floor bed. However, I cannot give and specific advice because we did not take that route.

Large Baby Items

5. Newborn Pictures

You can never go back and get those pictures. Your baby is going to grow up so fast. Our photographer recommended getting them done within the first 14 days of life

 If you are on a tight budget, see if there is a way to get newborn pictures on your baby registry. Maybe family members can go in together on this special gift. 

You do not need a huge package! Every time we get pictures, we try to get a small package. We don’t need hundreds of pictures from every phase, just a few will work. 

I would skip an item like a swing, bassinet, or rocker to get newborn pictures.

You just can’t go back in time. 

Your baby will never be that little again.


When it comes to large baby items you likely can’t get them all. You are going to have limited space or a limited budget.

Look deeper into items to determine which items are most worth it. 

If you look back at my list 4 out of the 5 are daily-use items. 

I won’t recommend items for singular use or infrequent use. 

These items have been used for years. This is a perfect example of why I skipped a bassinet because that is often only used for about 5 months. 

Prioritize which items are best for your family, lifestyle, and general situation. 

We all have different needs based on our specific lives.

I cannot recommend these products enough though. They have served strong purposes in our home over years now. 

Check Out My Articles

The Top 16 Baby Products Every New Parent Needs: A Handpicked Selection

Money-Saving Baby Item Swaps that are Simple and Effective

Instead of Buying a Baby Swing Give Your Baby the Freedom to Move

The Most Expensive Large Baby Items: Are They Worth the Investment?

How to Put Your Money to the Best Use to Benefit Your Family Financially

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