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When new moms or moms-to-be start researching a topic it is easy to go down a rabbit hole of information.
Before you know it your house is overflowing with baby gear!
The same can be said for breastfeeding!
With breastfeeding, we are blessed to have tons of supplies at our disposal. These are tools to try to help us succeed. They can also lead to overwhelm too.
When it comes to breastfeeding, you can make do with very few items, just think of our ancestors!
The breastfeeding supplies you purchase are going to be influenced by your specific lifestyle.
For example, if you are going to be returning to work you are going to need more supplies related to pumping and milk storage.
A stay-at-home mom who is basically always with the baby is going to need fewer items by probably choosing to directly nurse.
Let’s first start with the items I used and whether or not I would use them again.
Breastfeeding Items I Used
During my breastfeeding journey, I was with my baby 24/7. I did not need pumping and milk storage for the most part.
I also tend to fall into the more minimal philosophy of baby gear.
Let’s dive into the breastfeeding products I used, starting with the most important and the items I would most recommend.
Nipple Balm
Nipple Balm is one of my most essential items. I used it excessively in the beginning. My goal was to successfully breastfeed, and I wanted to keep my nipple as healthy as possible!
I think of nipple balm like ChapStick for your lips in winter.
The balm can help prevent chapping, cracking, and dryness.
I would use it after every feeding, only skipping during the night. I would even use it between feedings if I felt my body was struggling.
When my nipples were tender from the early days of nursing, I was terrified to take a shower. The idea of the water hitting me sounded so painful. A tip I found online was, you can use nipple balm when you get into the shower. It acts as sort of a protective barrier. Then as you adjust to the water you can wipe it off and wash as usual.
Nursing Pads
Nursing pads help manage leaking during the first 3 months or so of breastfeeding. Around month 3 your milk will level out.
While you are leaking it is helpful to use nursing pads, that way you are not constantly changing your bra. I did not have a huge supply of nursing bras so I needed them to make it through the whole day and night.
When it comes to nursing pads you can buy reusable or disposable ones.
If you plan to get pregnant and nurse again, I recommend primarily using reusable.
This is the more environmental and economical choice.
It can come in handy to have a small box of disposables. If you go on a day trip, travel on vacation, or get behind on the laundry, disposables are handy to have.
Whichever method you go with please do not overbuy!
You only need nursing pads for the first 3 months.
Don’t buy like 50 reusable nursing pads.
If you put them in the washer immediately after wearing they will constantly get washed and you will not run out.
Nursing Bras
I was a nursing bra momma. Some women make do without them, but for me, they were a must.
I made do with only a few and constantly threw them in the laundry.
I would recommend very comfortable bras that you can easily sleep in.
I only purchased one that had a bit more structure and a wire. This one was for under more formal outfits and dresses for nicer occasions.
Also when you are initially purchasing nursing bras always size up slightly. If you are unsure what size you will be or find yourself in between sizes go up.
When your milk comes in your breast size will be bigger, it isn’t getting smaller.
When it comes to nursing bras you are likely going to wear them for the duration of your nursing baby.
For you that could be 6, 9, or 12 months plus. It could also be two weeks. You just don’t know what level of success you will find with breastfeeding.
If you find yourself breastfeeding in the first month and plan to go far with it, you can buy more bras in the style you like most.
Don’t go crazy buying a ton in advance!
I was a nursing cover momma!
This was my preference, though it may not be yours. I always kept the cover in the diaper bag for outings.
During the newborn phase, I used a cover that allowed me to easily see my baby as well as easily access them.
It has a sort of wire in the top for some structure and it had open sides to reach in.
Once my baby was more like 6 months and decided to start pushing off the over and stretchy cover that circled my entire torso was a better option. Baby could not kick it off.
Again this was an item I used my entire breastfeeding journey, so it was well worth having.
The haakaa came in handy for collecting milk, relieving engorgement, and creating a small freezer stash.
The haakaa is both small and very affordable making it a nice breastfeeding item to have.
Is it 100% necessary, no. Could you live without it, yes.
In the beginning, I wanted to have a bit of milk in the freezer, but I didn’t want to pump. Using the pump can cause confusion.
It can mess up your rhythm nursing baby. It can also mess up your supply. Pumping on top of nursing is telling your body to make more milk than needed.
This is where the Haakaa comes in to collect leaking milk without telling your body to go crazy making more.
If I am being honest I did not use my little freezer stash, my baby got to the point of refusing bottles.
For more information about the Haakaa check out The Haakaa: A Simple, Affordable, and Effective tool for Breastfeeding Moms.
Milk Storage Bags
If you are collecting milk via the Haakaa or a pump you are going to need some way to store it. This is where freezer milk bags come in handy.
Once I realized I was not using bottles I did not continue to collect milk or pump. I didn’t really have a need. Therefore a lot of my milk bags went unused.
This is going to be a need for a mom that is returning to work.
You can also look into the pitcher method to try to reduce the number of milk storage bags you are using.
I got my pump through insurance for free. As a first-time mom I of course thought I needed it!
In reality, I didn’t much. My babies were each with me nearly 24/7.
There was a long weekend though that I did end up in the hospital with an infection. I used my pump to maintain my milk supply while my baby was at home with dad.
If you plan to be a stay-at-home mom look into getting a free pump or maybe using an old one from a friend at first.
Don’t invest a ton of money in a new pump you may not use.
We had bottles and very rarely used them. We did not purchase any at all. We made do with the few we got for free in the Amazon and Target welcome boxes. You know the ones you get for creating a baby registry.
When it comes to bottles you are going to need more if you are a working mom sending your baby to daycare.
If you are a stay-at-home mom I recommend getting very few.
The more bottles you have the more you can let them pile up. Have fewer and constantly wash them.
This way you don’t end up with nasty bottles all over your house and huge piles of parts to clean, dry, and store.
That concludes my list of breastfeeding items I had and used. I used all of these items, some more and some less.
If I did it again and wanted to be as minimal as possible I would focus on the first 4 items mentioned: nipple balm, nursing pads, nursing bras, and a nursing cover or two.

Breastfeeding Items I Did NOT Use
Nipple Shield
Some people find the nipple shield to be a helpful tool. I never tried it. My babies latched just fine without it.
It was something I wanted to avoid if possible because you then have another item that always needs to be with you.
It is also very important to keep it sanitary to prevent infections on your breast as well as in your baby’s mouth.
If you do use it the first few days or weeks I would recommend trying to wean your baby off of it as soon as possible.
I have heard people love these silverette things. I don’t know much about them. They apparently help prevent sore nipples.
I will say Silverettes are a bit pricey for my taste.
Do your own research here and see if they are worth it to you.
Soothing Gel Pads
Some types of gel pads can be used warm or cool. They are the circular packs that you often see in purple. I did not use this item. I just used nipple balm on my nursing pads.
I would be careful not to put them in the freezer too long and shock your body.
Everter (Latch Assist)
The Everter or Latch assist Tool is not something I used, but I think it sounds like an amazing product for mothers with flat or inverted nipples.
This product could literally save your breastfeeding journey.
Basically, this item prepares or brings out your nipple for the baby.
I have also seen quite affordable versions.
Make a decision on this product based on your anatomy.
I am not sure exactly, but I would wonder if the Haakaa could do the same for you?
Nursing Pillow
I did not want a nursing pillow. I nursed both of my babies for about 14/15 months each.
Without a nursing pillow.
I simply did not want this item lying around my house for months.
Instead, I used a regular pillow off our guest bed for the first 2 to 3 months. After that, I did not need the extra support for the baby.
The pillow went back on the guest bed and was not another item to store until my next baby came along.
Milk Supply Foods
I did not intentionally eat a bunch of foods that were marketed to increase my supply.
I had one good friend make me lactation cookies with my first baby. They were a thoughtful and delicious gift.
However, beyond eating those cookies I did not seek out other milk-enhancing foods.
I just ate normal foods, a bit extra I will say because I was super hungry and drank plenty of water.
Feed your body and your body will feed your baby.
I think supply and demand have more to do with your milk supply than supply-enhancing foods or drinks.
Pumping Bra
I did not use or need a pumping bra.
Some breastfeeding pumps can rest inside your nursing bra. That was the style I had.
Other pumps will benefit from a pumping bra. These are typically ones that have a flange, then get small, and then open back up to fill bottles.
The pumping bra itself looks like a bando with two holes right where your nipples are. The pump parts go through the holes.
As I said before, the first items I used and can recommend. The second batch of items are breastfeeding supplies I did not use.
I am providing links if you want to check them out, but I personally cannot attest to the value and use of the products.
This is a breastfeeding supplies list, not a pumping list.
If you are a pumper, you should find a pumping-specific resource. I do not have the proper experience to provide helpful advice.
When it comes to breastfeeding and the supplies you need it is going to depend on your specific situation and lifestyle.
In the end, you probably need fewer items than you think. You can be quite minimal and get by.
I would also question, why are you breastfeeding? Is it all about bonding and nutrition? Or do you think you are going to save money? If you want to save money you cannot buy every product on this list!
I would also question wearing all of these items. I kept the nursing pads on with nipple cream.
I don’t know when I would have used the silverettes or the soothing gel pads. You only have two nipples, so where is all this stuff going?
Keep yourself in check on overbuying breastfeeding supplies.
I will have a ton of links in and after this article related to breastfeeding.
I like to supply as many resources as possible because I want to help you find success.
Check them out!
And finally, I wish you good luck on your breastfeeding journey!!!
Check Out My Articles
Why I Regret Exclusively Breastfeeding! The Huge Mistake I Made!
The Unexpected Emotional Challenges of Breastfeeding: How to Find Balance and Joy
The Top 17 Advantages of Direct Breastfeeding Over Bottle Feeding
Help and Support for New Moms During the First 2 Weeks of Breastfeeding
A Guide to The Four Stages of Breastfeeding and How It Gets Easier Over Time