Simple and Easy Daily Schedule for a 2 Year Old  

schedule 2 year old

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Every family has its unique schedule and routine. Don’t feel like my schedule is something you need to adopt.

For example, most families that have two working parents need to have their children to daycare much earlier than we do. I have the luxury of a slow morning due to my job.

Sharing our schedule is just for inspiration and general comparison. Sometimes mommas just want to know other people are doing similar things. You don’t want to feel alone.

No schedule is perfect. You have to find what works with the rhythm of your life, family, and home.

Here is a quick look at a day when our 2-year-old goes to daycare.

Week days

7:30 wake up

8:00 breakfast

8:30 head to daycare-mommy drops off

9:00 snack at daycare

11:30 lunch

12:15 nap – varies between 1-2 hours

3:00 snack at daycare

5:00 pickup from daycare-daddy picks up

6:00 dinner

Activities-puzzles, books, toys, play kitchen, cuddles after being away during the day

8:00 bedtime-mom and dad alternate nights

2 year old daily schedule


7:30 wake up

8:30/9:00 breakfast

12:00 lunch

1:00 nap – varies between 1-2 hours

5:00/6:00 dinner

8:00 bedtime

We try to keep our schedule similar to what the daycare does during the week, but don’t match with it exactly.  We don’t care much for snacks on the weekend. We find our toddler eats her meals better without them. If we have an event or outing though that messes with mealtime we will add a snack where it is needed.


What do we do in all the in-between times?

-read books

-general playtime with toys

-take care of baby dolls

-sing and dance


-play outside when able


-helping around the house with mom and dad

Some people struggle with what to do with their toddlers during the day. If you are home 24/7 or if they are in daycare full-time or part-time all make a huge difference.

If the weather is nice in your area take a look at 10 Affordable Outside Activities to Wear Out Your Toddler this Summer!

We spend time engaging our daughter and playing with her a lot. We truly need to work more on the independent play.

When we need to get stuff done around the house we go ahead and do it. Most of the time our toddler wants to join so we try to find a way to incorporate her into the task.

These could be things like unloading the dishwasher and taking care of laundry. Check out my list of The Surprising Things Your Two-Year-Old is Capable of Doing Independently.

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Don’t overthink your toddler’s schedule. They do thrive on structure but also need variety. They need you to give them attention and play, but they also need to have alone time to start using their imaginations.

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