6 Sweet Ways to Make Your Daughter’s Day Special

dad daughter special

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It is honestly so easy to pour into our daughters. It just takes a small effort of conscious planning.

You need to take the steps to want and plan to spend this extra quality time

We can also do so in a simple and affordable way. We do not have to break the bank!

Let’s jump right into some ideas and activities to make our little girls feel special!

Date Night with Dad

You can take a date night with Dad in a few different directions. 

You could go all out and get fancy. Some dads like to do this with flowers and a fancy restaurant. It is like they are showing their little girl what they deserve in a future man.

Others just want to spend time together and are ok with a more simple route.

This could mean dressing a little nice, but not over the top. Letting her pick her favorite restaurant and going to a movie where she gets to pick a treat. 

Dates with dad are all about spending time together one-on-one and making your daughter feel special

Date Day with Mom

Mom can of course do a date night as well, but also a date day could be a fun option. For the most part, mom and dad are interchangeable.

Maybe with mom, you get a real pedicure, or go to get haircuts but make it feel more fun. 

You could also do a meal or maybe a treat like ice cream.

Once again this is your opportunity for one-on-one time away from other siblings. 

Most days and times you are the parent, but this gives you a burst of time to be more of a friend

Special time with daughter

Picnic at the Park

Little kids love doing things that are familiar yet out of the norm.

Eating a picnic lunch fits the bill. You could do this as a date or an entire family. Your kids will all love it. 

I suggest going to a trail or park so you can combine the picnic with a playing activity. 

You can make the food at home to save money or pick something up on your way!


Take some time to slow down and bake with your daughter. Typically baking is quite affordable and for the most part, your time is the biggest expense. 

Slow down and give your daughter that time.

Don’t rush through the actions while baking.

Explain things.

Make this a learning opportunity.

Talk about the measuring cups and spoons. This is basic math and fractions.

Explain what some of the ingredients do. Like how yeast makes the bread rise.

Let them do as much as possible. Let them crack the eggs, just do so in a separate bowl. 

Let them mess up…this is how we learn!

Teach them about cleaning up while their masterpiece bakes. Show them how to do the dishes. 

Give them your full attention and make the most of it. 


Print out the recipe if possible so you are not working off your phone. This way your phone cannot get damaged, and you are less likely to get distracted by notifications. 

Spa Day

You can do a spa day at home with things you already own!

Painting nails always goes over well with little girls.

You could set up an at-home pedicure

You could do hair brushing and styling accompanied by a scalp massage

Make it feel fancy with spa-like music and dim lighting.

Throw a warm blanket on them during the activity as well. If you have a heated blanket this would work, or you could quickly put a blanket in the dryer

This is a great time to have peace and quiet with your child. 

It is very easy to have fast-paced days where you are constantly telling them to hurry up. In this instance, we are going to slow down.

This is also a great example of how to care for and love others through acts of service. 

Get Crafty

Crafts can take on many different forms.

We could be talking about glitter, glue, and paint.  Or building a birdhouse out in the garage. 

This is where you want to meet your child’s interests. 

What are they into?

For more specific ideas and inspiration, I suggest exploring Pinterest


It doesn’t take all that much time or effort to pour into your child, but it can mean a lot to them.

They could be thinking about what you did together for weeks

You only have so much time. It is up to you where you choose to spend it.  I promise you though spending it with your children will never be a waste of time. 

The same cannot be said for scrolling. 

Do something today to make your daughter feel special.

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