Take Baby Steps in Your Everyday Routines to Help Save Your Family Money

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You should always seek medical advice from a physician or other qualified health provider for any questions pertaining to nutrition. Any information found in this post, on this blog, and shared on any resources created by Mom Wife and Everyday Life is based on my personal experience as a mom and should not be taken as professional advice. The contents of this website are for general informational purposes. I am not a certified nutritionist. Each individual’s dietary needs and restrictions are unique to the individual. 

I just can’t do it anymore. Every time I go to the store and see the price I cringe. It was part of my shopping routine. I finally decided it is time. Time to quit buying cereal.

I enjoy cereal. Not the healthy kind, but the kind that takes me back to my childhood. My go-to is Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Does this make me a child…maybe? But it’s so good!

Have you noticed how much cereal costs? I don’t know if I never paid attention to how much my mom paid for it or maybe the price has skyrocketed in the last 20 years, but I just can’t do it anymore.

I finally decided to quit buying cereal.

It Costs Too Much

If you are anything like me you have a standard shopping list for every time you go to the store. You randomly pick up a bottle of ketchup or the odd bag of sugar for baking, but for the most part, you stay consistent on your typical items.

This consistency makes you think you can’t save money on groceries. How can you save money when you always buy the same things? You think it is what you NEED to buy. Well…maybe you shouldn’t continue mindlessly buying those things.

Buying cereal every time I went to the store started hurting. I’d look at the price and cringe. It was the item that bothered me most to buy. Spending a little extra on meat or produce doesn’t bother me. Those are foods that contribute to meals and in my opinion, have nutritional value.

Cereal is just empty…or at least the type I was purchasing.

Cereal is just not worth buying. It doesn’t have the same value as the other items in my cart. If something is going to be expensive it needs to feel worth purchasing.

I got to the point that it truly bothered me to spend that amount of money on cereal. I felt like I was wasting my family’s money.

Bad Habit

Buying cereal became a habit. Why do we do so many things in life? We carelessly continue doing what we always have done.

I challenge you to think.

Think about what you bring into your life and if it adds value.

For me, buying cereal was a bad habit. It was bad for my health and my wallet.

I had my moment. My moment of why do I keep buying this thing that doesn’t bring much value, hurts my wallet, and hurts my health. I was buying cereal for the quick satisfaction of the 5 seconds it tastes good.

One day I just said I’m not buying cereal.

I can’t fully say what I eat for breakfast now. I am still all over the place. But for now, my new habit is not eating cereal.

Health Reasons

Like I previously stated, I was buying the sugary junk. I certainly wasn’t buying Wheaties.

It bothered me that I was starting my day off with junk. I believe how you start your day can greatly impact how you live it.

If I make a more healthy choice at the beginning of my day maybe I will continue to do so throughout my day.

I am working on taking the time to invest in myself and my body and cook up a more healthy breakfast. This doesn’t come easy for me, but I want to set a good example for my daughter. 

Would I be proud of myself for serving her sugary breakfast cereal every morning? Probably not. As the adult, you must set the example.

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What Habit Can You Kick?

What habits do you have in your life?

Take inventory of your entire day or maybe even your entire week.

What are you doing on autopilot that isn’t benefiting you? Because it is on autopilot you probably aren’t even aware you are doing it!

Take the time to have a reality check with yourself.

Why do you buy what you buy?

Why do you do what you do?


I am going to keep it real and say I have not completely cut out cereal. I will purchase it on occasion. I have however cut it out of my regular purchases. It no longer has a place on my shopping list.

I now see it as a special and random item.

Cereal may not be your vice. But what is?

What in your life do you need to reevaluate?

What are you wasting your money on?

What things do you consume that don’t bring you enough value?

What are just making excuses for?

What habits do you need to change?

It takes a moment of self-reflection to realize what you are doing in your life. Without these moments we don’t grow and change.

Don’t stay the same for years on end.


Don’t keep buying the same dumb cereal.

What things have you cut out of your life that you realize you don’t need or miss?

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