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You should always seek medical advice from a physician or other qualified health provider for any questions pertaining to nutrition. Any information found in this post, on this blog, and shared on any resources created by Mom Wife and Everyday Life is based on my personal experience as a mom and should not be taken as professional advice. The contents of this website are for general informational purposes. I am not a certified nutritionist. Each individual’s dietary needs and restrictions are unique to the individual.
Let’s get right into it.
Today I am going to give you a look at what my 18-month-old eats in a day. First, you will see a weekday where they attend daycare and second you will see a weekend day where they are at home with mom and dad.
My child does suffer from dairy and egg allergies so all of these foods work around those restrictions.
If you question any of my food choices trust me the labels were read for safety.
I would also like to remind you I am just a mom doing my best to introduce my child to a variety of foods. I am neither a doctor nor a dietician.
This is a real mom doing her best to feed her child good…decent meals.
Here is a random weekday.
Week Day
We skip breakfast for our 18-month-old. Is this terrible? Probably! They are just a slow eater and we need to get out the door to daycare. I guess we prioritize sleeping in rather than eating breakfast.
Morning Snack
Morning snack is provided by the daycare and it looks like according to the chart today they had Blueberry Belvitas. I don’t know the portion size because obviously, I am not there to see it.
We pack lunches for daycare.
Today’s lunch was:
Hotdog (cut up tiny) *hotdogs are the perfect size for your toddler to choke on, please be safe!
Buttered noodles
Corn (very small amount)
Fig Newtons
Afternoon Snack
Veggies straws at daycare
Deli meat
Mini marshmallows
Next, let’s look at a random weekend day.
We replace the morning snack at daycare for breakfast. Our child wakes up around 7:45 am. If you have a schedule where you wake up at 6 am and eat breakfast, don’t expect your child to make it to a 12 lunch. They are going to need a morning snack.
Peanutbutter and jelly sandwich
Pulled pork
Graham Crackers
Afternoon Snack
Belvita bars
Pulled chicken
Half banana
Shredded cheese (vegan cheese)

If you struggle with what to feed your toddler know that you are not alone. I struggle with this daily.
My goal is to introduce new foods frequently, but in doing so it is easy to see food being wasted. Remember though if you never put peas in front of your child they are never going to have the opportunity to like peas. This applies to all foods. Exposure is necessary.
As stated before we avoid foods with dairy and eggs due to allergies. One food I found interesting was Fig Newtons. One brand says contains milk while another brand does not. Don’t immediately rule out any food. You may be able to find alternatives.
Check Out My Articles
How to Figure Out if My Baby Has Allergies
Is the Graco FastAction Fold Jogger Travel System Worth the Investment?
How to Easily Pack a Week’s Worth of Lunches for Your 15 Month Old
How to Get Your Toddler to Go from Frustrated to Babbling to Talking
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