What Does Your Support Person Really Need to Pack for a Hospital Birth  

What your birth partner should pack for the hospital

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Ok, let’s talk about dad, partner, or other support person. What do they need to pack for a hospital birth?

It depends if this person plans to stay overnight and for the duration of your stay.

In my experience, the hospital doesn’t necessarily provide much for the support person. I think this can vary quite a bit with different hospitals.

You are not exactly the main event on the big day. Sorry to tell you! However, you almost need to pack just as much if not more than the birthing momma. She gets freebies from the hospital and can simply chill in the gown for a while.

Let’s get into what the dad, partner, or support person should pack for the hospital delivery.

partners bag for hospital birth

Labor and Delivery

Let’s start with the labor and delivery portion. I recommend you’re comfortable but still look nice. After all, pictures are going to be involved.

I wouldn’t wear any heavy layers because as the support person you may be doing more work than you expected.

In the days after the birth of our daughter, my husband realized just how sore he was from helping me, especially through pushing. He truly got a workout.

If you want to go above and beyond I recommend you make a list of things you can be doing during this time. Talk to the momma and ask them ahead of time as well.

I made a cheat sheet for my husband.

Some ideas on the list were squeezing hips, putting pressure on the lower back, sneaking a few labor pictures, and saying words of affirmation.

The reason I recommend making a list is labor can get intense. You may forget what you need to be doing. Some partners also struggle in the medical setting. People are known to pass out. A to-do list may help you get through your role as the support person.

You should make sure to have water and stay hydrated. You need to take care of youself so you can take care of her!

And a final thought is snacks. Be careful with this one though. Some mommas do not want to see you eating while they are not allowed to eat. If you are going to eat in front of a laboring momma maybe ask first. Another option would be to slip a granola bar or something in your pocket and say you are taking a walk or going to get water.

So a quick recap:

  • Wear Appropriate Clothing
  • Have a To-Do List
  • Water
  • Snacks


At this point, you made it through labor and now are to the postpartum portion. You and momma are both probably exhausted…and now there is a baby to care for too!

This portion is about making it through the duration of your stay. Your goal is to help mom during recovery and help care for the baby.

Like I said before you may not have many if any conveniences provided for you.

It is completely up to you how much you want comfort or are willing to rough it.

For example, do you want to pack a pillow and blanket?

During our hospital stay, my husband asked for a blanket and pillow and was given them but they didn’t exactly offer.  They seemed a little annoyed to be honest.

When it comes to food different hospitals have different policies. I have heard of the support person getting food vouchers for the cafeteria. You can of course spend money as needed in the cafeteria as well.

In our experience, only mom got free food technically, but I could order as much as I wanted. I would literally order an entire meal for my husband as well as my own meal.

Here’s a quick list of what to pack for the postpartum portion of your stay.

  • 2 Comfortable Outfits You Could Sleep In
  • Going Home Outfit/Picture Outfit
  • Basic Toiletries
  • Pillow
  • Blanket
  • Snacks
  • Phone and Charger

Don’t overpack and don’t overcomplicate it. Don’t bring a million outfit changes or items of entertainment. Keep it simple.


Remember you are just the partner. You put in a  lot of work without much appreciation. Do your best to be the support person you would want.

Don’t forget what the momma went through today. Their body went through a lot. Their emotions were all over the place. Their body is continuing to go through a lot and will continue to do so for weeks.

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