How Iron Supplements Helped Me Curb my Pregnancy Exhaustion

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Pregnancy Exhaustion

Can I start by saying pregnancy exhaustion is for real!

It can be all-consuming.

I’ve had times in my pregnancy where I simply want to or actually do start crying because I am just so tired.

My husband will ask what’s wrong and all I can say is I’m pregnant and tired. So tired I want to cry.

It is a pathetic and somewhat hopeless feeling.

Just know you are not alone momma. Plenty of us have been there.

This exhaustion can happen at different times for different people. Primarily I am focusing today on the first trimester.

When your body is first working to create your baby it can feel like you got hit by a truck. You are just flat out down for the count. Your energy is simply zapped.

It is like you don’t know what happened to you.

It can also be very lonely because maybe you are waiting to share your pregnancy with the world so you have to keep it to yourself.

You also feel like a fraud complaining about how tired you are being pregnant when you may in fact not be visibly pregnant.

For example, your husband or partner may find it easier to be sympathetic when you are 8 months pregnant and tired. They can visibly see how your huge body must be exhausting. When you are only 8 weeks pregnant you may still look completely normal.

It is difficult to understand how exhausted you may be feeling.

Iron Supplements

During my first pregnancy, I took iron supplements recommended by my doctor. If I remember correctly my blood work showed I was deficient or something along those lines. The supplements help immensely!

Now in my second pregnancy, I was struggling with exhaustion. I wasn’t nauseous or anything like that, just plum tired.

I was tired at all times of the day. I would go to bed at 8 pm and sleep until 8 am without waking up. I could take a nap and an hour later be thinking of lying down again.

This time around I had a toddler to care for as well. To be fair she is in daycare though. I am not currently a stay-at-home momma. Maybe in the future though.

Anyway, first pregnancy you don’t have a kid at home. So second can be a bit more difficult is what I am saying.

Anyway. I am just struggling every day. I am thinking maybe at 12 or 14 weeks this will get better.

Then it hits me. I could try taking iron supplements again!

Within three days I was feeling better. Back to what I felt like was a more normal level of pregnancy tiredness.

Iron supplements were my answer for what my body needed.

curb pregnancy exhaustion

Other Supplements

I am not telling you to take iron supplements. You need to talk to your doctor if you are experiencing extreme fatigue that you feel is more than what you can handle or more than what you should be dealing with.

Tell your doctor the level of fatigue you are experiencing. Ask them to take a look at your blood work and see if you are low in any areas. You could need some other supplement based on your individual blood work.

Do your research and go to your doctor with questions. You could ask them if they think taking iron for example would benefit you or be safe to try.

Do not try anything without talking to your doctor first and clearing it with them.

Iron is just one example. You could be lacking in so many other areas.

Let Your Body Rest

The amount of time you are able to rest greatly depends on your work and home life. Try to sneak time in though to give your body rest. Take naps when you can. Ask your partner to help more than normal. Be thankful when they do and be willing to accept the help.

If you have a close friend or family member that knows you are pregnant use them as a resource. Ask them if they could make you dinner this week. Admit you are struggling.

Maybe this is a season in life where if you can afford it you get take-out dinner more often than normal.

Go to bed early. If you are like me with a toddler you may not get the luxury of sleeping in or have much time for naps during the day. However, one time of day that I get is after 8 pm. She is down at 8 pm and mommy and daddy are off the clock.

Don’t stay up until 10 pm just because that is what you “normally” do. Instead, go to bed at 9:30 pm because you need to sleep more than 30 more minutes of TV time.

Adjust what you can in your daily life to accommodate more sleep and rest.

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It is normal to be exhausted during pregnancy. If you feel it is more than “normal” talk to your doctor and see if there are any simple steps you can take to start feeling better.

Give yourself as much time to rest as you can. Remember you are growing a baby in your body you are allowed and expected to be tired.

Give yourself grace during this time and do what you need to get through it!

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