Become a Minimal Mom and See the Ways Your Daily Life Improves

minimal mom

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There are many different levels and perceptions of minimalism.

My personal opinion is that minimalism isn’t about how much stuff you have and that’s it. It is more than having very few possessions.

Firstly, I believe it is about improving and challenging yourself.

Secondly, it is about simplification and less. But not limited to “less stuff.”

To break these down further, my first point is about improving. This could be leaps and bounds or it could just be small increments of improvement.  If you used to order 10 things a month while online shopping, but now only order 5 things a month then you have shown great improvement. You are trying to be more minimal.

Does that make sense? Don’t worry about comparing yourself to others, but rather compare your past to your present.

My second point is that minimalism isn’t just about stuff. You can become more minimal in your routines, ways of thinking, and so many more aspects of life.

Now let’s get into how being more minimal as a mom improves your daily life.

Minimal Toys

We are going to jump right into it with toys. I think many adults before having children fear their home becoming overrun with toys once they have a baby. Some parents accept this as their reality.

I do not want toys everywhere. It causes me quite a bit of anxiety if our toddler gets out too many toys.

The first step is to have fewer toys. Make mental notes of what your child does not play with.

A method we use is toy rotation. This keeps fewer toys in our main living areas and also helps us see what our toddler is interested in. If interest in a toy is down put it away for a while. When you bring it back out and into rotation does your child get excited to play with it? Or is it clearly something that needs to leave your home?

It can be challenging to keep the overall number of toys in your home down.

Another tip to be more minimal in your toy collection is to get items that will grow with your child. These can be simple toys like blocks. Rotate them in and out and enjoy them for years.

For more on toy rotation check out my article, The Top 3 Reasons Why Every Home Should Use Toy Rotation.

If you are constantly getting new items that only hold your child’s attention for a short amount of time you will be constantly cleaning out and purging toys. Invest in toys that will be around for a while.

If you can become more minimal in the toys you bring into your home you will help yourself out as a mom. Fewer toys equal less clutter and less clean-up.

Fewer toys make for a cleaner space for your child to fully experience the toy they are playing with.  This will help you have better playtime and longer breaks to get tasks done.

Children’s Clothing

I have learned since becoming a mom my opinions on baby and toddler clothing. I have realized being minimal is amazing. It makes everything so simple. I have a few ways I try to be minimal in my toddler’s closet.

When my daughter was first born I said yes to look through any and all hand-me-downs. I don’t regret that at all. What I do regret is the number of items I kept…even though I didn’t love them. They were what I would call “maybe” items. Meaning maybe our child will wear or need this.

The “maybes” never got worn. They just took up space in the closet and made it harder to find the items I actually loved.

My overall takeaway is to have less clothing, but make it clothing you love.

My huge strategy for this was to start buying comfortable jegging-type pants for our toddler. They are little fake blue jeans that match everything. They match all of her shirts. Do you realize how easy this makes it to get her dressed in the morning? I can grab any shirt and the next clean pair of jeggings and she is good to go.

Become minimal and simple. You will thank yourself.

Another thing I do to be more minimal is consider the shirts I purchase or keep for my daughter. I avoid shirts with words on them. You know the silly little sayings. I would rather her wear a plain long sleeve pink shirt rather than one that says ‘daddy’s little princess.’

Plain shirts are more appropriate for more situations. For example, the plain shirt she could wear to both daycare and church and look just fine.

Ok, so far basic pants and basic shirts.

The other basics I like are bows and headbands. You just need a couple of colors that match everything. I constantly used the same few headbands when my daughter was a baby. As a toddler, we have 6 bows in total. They are three matching pairs that we find to work with just about everything.

Recently we found some basic socks on Amazon. Our daughter was barely fitting into her old socks, so it was time for new ones. I went with a package that only contained white, gray, and black. One of these colors will work with every outfit. Once again simplification!


Sometimes you need different jackets and shoes for different occasions. I will say however if you can only keep one option of each readily available for daily use it will make getting out the door so much easier.

By being minimal in this area we eliminate thinking and decision making. You just put on the jacket and shoes that are there. No arguments and no fuss!

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In the Kitchen

As a mom to a toddler, we keep the kitchen minimal in a few ways. First off, all of our daughter’s plates match perfectly. This is helpful in that they stack nicely, but also in that we never pick the wrong color. We never spend time debating over the blue or red plate. It is simply not an issue.

We have also from time to time gotten out more than one cup. This is the most annoying thing. Every time we regret it and immediately go back to one main cup. Don’t have a bunch of cups floating around the house. Keep one and keep it minimal.

As just a general homeowner, I have learned the importance of avoiding one-use kitchen gadgets. Instead, invest in quality items that are used for countless tasks such as good sharp knives.

Only get one-use items that you use every single week.

When you have space in your drawers and cupboards it is easier to get items in and out. When something is a challenge to reach you won’t find yourself using it. Go through your kitchen today and see where you can work to become more minimal.

Simplification of Routines

Simplify daily and weekly routines to make life easier.

Start with your morning routine! You can focus on what you do personally or what you do with your kids.

For example, it is important to me that my daughter is dressed before we leave her room. If she leaves in her jammies I know we have to make another trip to her room. This takes more time and more steps.

Instead, create that morning routine where you eliminate steps. Another part of the morning routine may start with the night before. Lay clothing out the night before so you are ready to get your kids dressed in the morning.

All these little actions create less thinking and less discussion, especially if you have a rushed morning.

When it comes to nighttime routine from the early stages with a baby as they continue to grow into toddlers and children keep the nighttime routine simple.

Check out my full article on How a Strong Night Time Routine Can Improve Your Mornings Each Day.

The very act of having a routine in the first place is already going to save you time. Your children know what to expect and when to expect it.

Being a minimal mom in these ways helps your home run smoothly with a sense of peace.

minimal mom


Incorporating minimal mindsets and habits will save you as a mom. Less stuff, fewer steps, clearer mind, simpler home, happier children. It is really that simple.

Now go take a walk through your home or mentally walk through your typical day. Where are the rough patches? What points of friction do you regularly face?

These are the areas where making big or even just small changes can make every day moving forward a better day.

Check Out My Articles

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How A Strong Night Time Routine Can Improve Your Mornings Each Day

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