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There are sooooo many baby products. I swear the baby industry just keeps coming up with new things that you NEED to have!
Your baby does not NEED these products.
Your baby doesn’t have a clue they exist until you introduce them to the product.
My little “H” never used a baby swing…and she doesn’t know the difference. I never missed having one at my house.
Swings and seats are items I strongly encourage you to narrow down before purchasing. Save your friends money, save yourself space, and give your baby freedom of movement.
This is a list of seats or seat-like products, but there are probably so many more out there.
Types of Seats
The Bumbo can be very dangerous when people place them on tables with the baby sitting inside. Please never do this. If you must use this item the floor is where it is best.
Many doctors are now discouraging the use of this product for developmental reasons too.
It also has a very small window of use for most babies. By the time they are safe to sit in it, they want the freedom to be out of it.
I am just not this fancy. The price of this is crazy and so many moms talk about how their baby didn’t like it.
The MamaRoo hooks many parents with how stylish it looks. Does this really matter though? You know what looks even better than stylish baby products….having fewer baby products.
Find one that folds flat for storage if you go this route.
A bouncer can help with reflux babies that need an incline after feedings. Bouncers can also be found for a reasonable price.
This is the one seat we used for our daughter, but we used it very little. We also borrowed it from my in-laws so no storing it! We just gave it right back after we were through that phase.
Swings are huge! They are huge to have out in the house and huge to store.
On top of that, I did not want my baby to become accustomed to the rocking motion. They can’t nap in a swing forever! They aren’t really supposed to nap in them at all.
I hate to use the phrase “spoiling your baby.” But what are you going to do when they outgrow the swing?
I vote to skip the swing.
Baby Lounger
This would be the pillow style that is like the Boppy nursing pillow except the hole is filled in. Can’t your baby just lounge on the floor? I just really don’t get this.
Here is the link if you want to see what I am talking about.
If you must go this route please buy the knock-off brand! And please use it safely! There are concerns over safety with this product, which is common with items your baby naps or sleeps in.
If bumpers in a crib are considered dangerous I struggle to see how a DockATot with sides is safe. And yes I realize the fabric is marketed as breathable. I do not want my baby to have anything that could pose even a challenge to their breathing.
The DockATot is about giving your baby that cocoon feeling. I can’t argue that babies enjoy this feeling. This can be achieved by swaddling your baby. Swaddles are much more affordable.
Door Frame Jumper
Some babies love this, others don’t. They don’t take up a ton of space, but can have a short lifespan.
Do you have anywhere you would put this? Can you see yourself using it frequently?
These are the things to consider before purchasing.
These items are also recommended to only be used for a few minutes at a time. You also should always have your eyes on your baby while they are in this seat.
Crashing into the doorway is a frequent cause of injury. Just imagine if you have a toddler pushing your little baby!
Activity Center Seats
These things can be huge! And often times don’t have much ability to collapse for storage. Your baby is in a seat that has them surrounded by toys. Take a look at the link, they can be quite overwhelming.
Why not put them on a blanket on the floor and surround them with toys?

Don’t Buy Seats
I am by no means a minimalist, but I am anti-clutter. I am also all about saving money. Buying all of these “seats” goes against both of these ideas.
These large items take up a significant amount of space in your home. Seats spread throughout are the reason your home starts to feel taken over by baby stuff.
They are also quite large items to store until your next child. Unless you are comfortable storing them in your attic I honestly don’t know who has the space to store a swing and activity seat.
Your baby can only use most of these seats for a few months. This makes them not worth having. Check out my article The Most Expensive Large Baby Items: Are They Worth the Investment? Here I break them down by price and life in months to see which items are most worth purchasing.
I suggest skipping these items on your registry to allow your baby to be content with less. If your baby can only nap in a swing what are you going to do when you travel? You cannot pack your entire home every time you leave the house.
These seats are often your big-ticket items for baby.
If you are on a budget or money is tight don’t spend your money on these products. They are luxury items, not necessities. Put your money or the money of friends and family towards diapers or formula.
Don’t Use Seats
I am not saying never use these items. I used one or two of them. But I do think it is important to use them sparingly.
Babies need to roll. They need to explore what their bodies are capable of. They don’t need to be propped up in every which way.
Now if you have a baby with reflux you may want a bouncer seat with an incline for them to sit in after eating. Again not saying there aren’t cases where these items are useful.
Babies need to find their way. And they will naturally. Don’t try to speed them up with props and supports they aren’t ready for. But also don’t slow them down by hindering them from rolling by confining them within buckles and straps.
Let your baby develop naturally.
Every single one of these items will come with safety guidelines that you should be following to perfection. What is more important than your baby’s safety?
Are you, your partner, and any other caregivers going to read up on all of these products? That’s a lot of homework.
You may think that is a bit dramatic, but so many babies get hurt every year.
How can your baby get hurt on the floor? They can’t fall off the floor? They can’t get straggled in a buckle on the floor.
The main concern parents have for safety on the floor is pets and other children.
Pets are a touchy subject. People love their fur babies. This may mean using baby gates to keep them separate or focusing on strict pet training before the baby arrives. I will be quite frank and say my child is always going to come before a pet.
Other children, especially toddlers can be a worry for a baby’s safety on the floor. The best thing you can do is constantly reinforce with an older child that we give the baby space and we are gentle. Maybe the blanket baby lies on is the boundary that should not be crossed. Maybe separation is key.
When it comes to other children in the home is what is more dangerous…your toddler approaching your baby on the floor or your toddler pushing them out of a swing?
Both can be dangerous. I’m not denying not.
The number one rule is keeping your eyes on your little ones and fur babies. Your goal is to keep everyone happy and safe.
I don’t think in many situations a seat will help with safety.
If you do feel that there is a reason you need to have your baby up and off the floor consider a pack’n’play. I would suggest putting a pack’n’play up in the main room you spend time in and allow baby that environment to roll and explore.
As mentioned numerous times the floor is your easy alternative to seats. The floor is pretty darn cheap compared to them. Find a beautiful quilt to protect your floor from split-ups and purchase a jungle gym for your baby to enjoy looking at and pulling on.
For those who want to keep their homes beautiful you can! You can even spend more on the products you must have would because you are saving money by skipping out on all the seats! You can get the beautiful activity center that was handmade and comes with esthetically pleasing toys and color.
There are beautiful wooden gyms to hang toys from that would look lovely in any home. Often these are very minimalistic and can fold up tiny for storing for the next kiddo.
We used a gray-toned patchwork quilt. It matched our living room well, especially our gray rug.
You can also place baby books open around your baby before they are moving. The thick cardboard types are easy to prop open for your baby to enjoy viewing. They also make accordion-like products for this which are often marketed for tummy time.
Think about items in terms of needs versus wants. Think of them in the sense of cost versus the life of use.
Consider if your money and the money of your loved ones could be put to better use.
Minimize the seats you purchase and use for your baby. If you do see a need to have one of these items consider borrowing it from a friend or buying it second-hand. In the long run, are these items beneficial to your baby and are they beneficial to you as a parent? Weigh out the pros and cons and decide for yourself.
Seats are expensive.
Seats are large.
Seats are not necessary.
Seats are not always safe.
Comment below any seats I missed in my list or the seats you found to be the best or worst value for you and your lifestyle.
Check Out My Articles
13 Baby Items You Can Absolutely Leave off Your Registry
Why Baby Bassinets are an Absolute Waste of Money
7 Smart ways to cut costs and save money when having a baby
The Most Expensive Large Baby Items: Are They Worth the Investment?