5 Affordable Postpartum Products Under $10 that Will Make Your Life Easier

postpartum items under $10

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This is the postpartum article for the thrifty momma. These are 5 awesome postpartum items that you can get for under $10!

These items are extremely helpful during the postpartum period. Two of the items are tailored to the breastfeeding momma.

Let’s get right into the list!

1. Tucks Pads

Tucks Pads are amazing for postpartum care, especially if you experienced any tearing during birth. They provide a cooling relief. This can be particularly helpful during the healing phase when stitches can start to feel like they are itchy.

Tucks Pads are quite affordable for the relief they provide.  They are popular here in the US and often are given to new moms in the hospital. You are then able to take the extras home with you. This may be enough for you to get by or you may need to run to the store to purchase another container.

The duration of your need for Tucks Pads will greatly depend on how your birth goes.

2. Stool Softener

The last thing you want to experience after giving birth is a hard poo.  This can seriously be scarier than giving birth.

You do not need this kind of pain right after giving birth.

You could greatly fear ripping some stitches if you have any.

When it comes to stool softener play it better-safe-than-sorry. Error on the side of caution and just take the stool softener.

Often your doctor will give you a prescription for stool softener when you leave the hospital. Check how much the prescription will cost and compare it to over-counter-options. Depending on your insurance one way will be more affordable than the other.

When you think you are done using stool softeners wean yourself off slowly. Do not randomly stop taking them cold turkey!

Slowly wean yourself!

3. Eye Drops

I so strongly recommend you get some basic eye drops. These were something I packed in my hospital bag!

Eye drops are great for your eyes if you have been crying sad or happy tears. You are going to experience a wide ride of emotions during this time and tears are likely to happen.

You also are going to be getting up through the night. Due to this, you may experience dry, red, or itchy eyes. Some simple, cheap eye drops could be a huge help.

Eye drops are an affordable postpartum item you should definitely purchase!

I actually recommend them in my Packing for the Big Day: A Minimal List for a Hospital Birth article.

4. Nursing Pads

This one is more for the breastfeeding momma. Nursing pads are an affordable item that you will find yourself needing during postpartum. Depending on if you purchase disposable or reusable and the package size they may exceed my $10 number. That’s ok though.

The point is they are small items that are affordable and necessary during postpartum.

Reusable is obviously better for the environment. I am considering using mine as makeup-removing pads once I am through the nursing phase of my life.  I think this would be a great way to give them more life because I don’t know how many people are comfortable taking hand-me-down nursing pads.

Nursing pads are great for keeping you dry when you have a letdown. You can only nurse from one side at a time so the other side is likely to leak. This will save your bra from getting soaked and save you from a bit of laundry.

Nursing pads are also great for keeping nipple balm from getting on your bra. Nipple balms can be oily which isn’t ideal for your bra.

This leads me into our final item #5.

affordable postpartum items

5. Nipple Balm

If you are breastfeeding you are going to experience some pain.  Your nipples are simply not used to feeding a baby. Some women experience cracked nipples and even bleeding. Try to prevent this by using nipple balm after every feeding in the beginning. You will not need it forever, but in the beginning, it is important.

Pro-Tip: This is not my original thought, but I heard it and feel the need to share. Showering can be a bit intimidating when you are first nursing. Your nipples are literally so sensitive you are afraid the water will be too much. Apply nipple balm before getting in the shower to act as a barrier when you first get in.

Like I said in the beginning you should use nipple balm after every feeding. Try to prevent any issues from arising. After time you can tone it down and only use it in the morning, evening, and after showers, or something like that.


During postpartum, it is incredibly important to take care of yourself. This helps you be a good mom to your baby. Steal a few minutes here and there to care for your body. When you use these 5 postpartum items you will keep your body in better condition to care for your baby.

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