How to Know if You Are Ready to Send Your Child to Daycare


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The decision to send your child to daycare is a difficult one to make for many people. For others, it is a no-brainer. Every family has a unique situation.

Some families have a single child while others have many children. Some children grow up with only one parent and others grow up splitting time between two households.

With each family comes unique circumstances that determine the direction they will go. 

If you are a parent that is trying to decide if the time is right for your little one to go to daycare keep reading.

Money Reasons

Money reasons are powerful in determining if a parent will stay home or if both will work. The income you bring in versus the price you will pay for daycare matters greatly.

Some households cannot afford to live on one income. You may be feeling forced into daycare.

You may not have a real choice in the matter.

If you are interested in staying home with your child but do not think you can afford it take a look at my articles, Creative Ways to Generate Income and Save Money While Being a Stay-at-Home Mom and Save Money and Enjoy Life as a Stay-at-Home Mom with These 8 Tips.

It is okay if daycare is not to route you wish to take.

Work Reasons

If you recently had a baby and used every benefit possible to stay home with your baby as long as possible it may be time to return to work.

The need to return to work is an obvious reason to send your baby or child to daycare.

You may also have a desire to work regardless of money. Some families have a strong enough single income to get by.

It is ok to choose to work for reasons other than monetary reasons. The purpose and desire to work is reason enough.

Some people have a strong desire to work and see the benefits of utilizing a daycare.

Are You Ready?

As a parent, you may be burned out. You may be ready for a break. This is ok.

You may also be the reverse. Work may be ready to have you back, but you just aren’t ready to leave your baby.

Do you think you can get to a point where you are at peace with someone else caring for your baby or child?

If not, you are going to have to scramble to figure out if you can continue to stay home.

Are They Ready?

Is your little one ready for daycare?

This is a difficult question.

You may be sending them at 3 months old and therefore it is all they will ever know. You could wait until they are a year old. You got to be home with them through many milestones but maybe are ready to return to working life. Or maybe for you, it is only appropriate to send your child to daycare once they are verbal and can communicate any concerns to you.

Every parent and family has a different standard.

You could also determine if they are ready based on their interests, actions, and behaviors.

Do you think your child is ready for interaction with peers? Are you concerned about their socialization? Are they not great at following your instructions…maybe it is time for them to be in a structured environment.

These are some of the questions you need to ask yourself. If you decide that it is time to send your little one to daycare take a look at Smooth Transitions: How to Get Your Child Prepared for Daycare Success.

ready for daycare

Alternative to Daycare

If you or your child is not ready to take the plunge into daycare life what are the alternatives?

Could you find a work-from-home situation that works for you?

Maybe you stay home, thus saving you money on daycare, and watch two children that are similar ages to your own. This blog for example is my attempt at bringing in extra income.

Big Changes

Starting daycare is a big step that comes with big changes. You will see your child less during the week.

This is so sad.

But try to look at the positive and make better use of the time you have with them. Think of quality versus quantity.

No one will watch your child exactly how you would. This can be difficult to swallow, but see the positive in that your child gets to learn from others and grow in being flexible and adaptable.


Will you ever be fully ready to send your child to daycare?

You may never be.

The question is are you ready to take the plunge. Starting daycare brings with it positives and negatives.

Focus on the positives. Focus on what your child will gain from daycare life.

Good luck in your decision to pursue daycare or to continue caring for your child yourself. Both come with challenges.

Just know you are doing your best for your child.

Check Out My Articles

The Top 7 Things to Consider Before Choosing a Daycare for Your Child

Smooth Transitions: How to Get Your Child Prepared for Daycare Success

10 Shocking Things You Need to Know About Starting Daycare

10 Warning Signs to Watch for Before Selecting a Daycare

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