My Top 5 Reasons for Choosing to Breastfeed Baby #2

plan to breastfeed baby number two

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Without a doubt I am planning to breastfeed baby #2. Check out my top reasons why!

#1 Save Money on Formula

I am all about breastfeeding baby #2 because not paying for formula the first time was AMAZING.  I didn’t miss running out or having to run to the store. We didn’t have to worry about various brands and types.

You always hear people saying babies are expensive or they can’t afford to have children. This is a huge way to save if you can. We pay enough for daycare and diapers. Formula is something we choose to skip.

Baby #1 did great! Here is hoping baby #2 does just as well!

I plan to breastfeed baby #2 to save money on formula.

If you want more information on saving money check out my article 7 Smart Ways to Cut Costs and Save Money when having a Baby.

#2 Less Stuff, Less Cleaning

I prefer to be minimal wherever possible. With our first baby, we did have a few bottles on hand and I did have a breast pump. Quickly though we realized these items were not going to be used and were put away.

One item that did stay out and get used in the early months was the Haakaa.

I don’t want to be misleading and act like I never had these. I didn’t know if breastfeeding would work for me the first time so of course, we were prepared.

However, I like to own little where I can.

With breastfeeding, we didn’t have bottles constantly sitting on the end tables or filling up the sink. We didn’t have the baby bottle drying rack on the counter full of all the little parts.

Breastfeeding helped us have less stuff floating around. It also prevented a ton of cleaning! It is easy to buy a million bottles and let them pile up before doing the dishes.

My first tip if you do bottle feed would be to only have 4 bottles and one of them stays in the diaper bag. This will force you to keep up on dishes.

So breastfeeding leads to less cleaning and less storing of items in the kitchen.

Breastfeeding also requires less work for an outing. You don’t have to pack the diaper bag with formula, water, and the bottle. My diaper bag for a newborn had a nursing cover. That was it.

This also makes for a lighter diaper bag which is always a win.

Breastfeeding is a great option for less cleaning, clutter, and packing.

To read more about how you can be a minimal momma check out my article Become a Minimal Mom and See the Ways Your Daily Life Improves.

#3 Night Time Feedings

I do not know what it is like to bottle feed at night. Baby #1 went with breastfeeding from day 1.

I want to breastfeed baby #2 because it makes more sense to me for nighttime feedings.

I know a lot of people will completely disagree because your partner can’t help. Guess what, my husband will only take off the first week max. That’s just how it is where we live. He will be going back to work and therefore I believe he should have adequate sleep. He will still help with getting the baby to bed in the evening or holding the baby if putting them down just doesn’t work.

He actually helped a ton at night with our first baby despite the fact I exclusively breastfed.       

Sometimes babies just want to be held…it doesn’t mean they are always hungry.

Breastfeeding also makes for quick nighttime feedings.

You are not making or warming a bottle while your baby is fussing. During this time your baby is waking up more and more.

You can go straight to your baby and immediately meet their need.

I think after the first week it is easy to do it in the dark. Once your baby knows what they are doing you can keep the lights off to once again help them stay more tired and possibly fall back to sleep.

Your baby gets exactly what they need at the proper temperature to meet their need and get them happily back to sleep.

I plan to breastfeed baby #2 because I think it is the best route for nighttime feedings.

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#4 General Conveniences

I find breastfeeding to be convenient in general. This is a huge motivator to make it work with baby #2.

Breastfeeding means no measuring and math. No figuring out if you are giving them too much at one sitting or feeding too close together.

No bottles, no cleaning, no fuss.

You always have what you need with you and it is always ready to go. As long as I have a nursing cover I’m good to feed my baby in most situations.

Because my baby will spend their first year with me anyway I find it more convenient to breastfeed them.

# 5 Breastfeeding is Simple, Not Easy

Hear me out on this, breastfeeding is simple, but not always easy.

Breastfeeding is a simple act if you think about it. You latch your baby and feed them. Your milk is ready to go at the proper temperature without measuring or worrying.

This is simple.

It is quick. It is convenient.

Breastfeeding is not always easy though. I do want to acknowledge that plenty of mommas deal with various issues that hinder their breastfeeding experience. Lip and tongue ties, premature births, and so much more can impact your ability to breastfeed.

When I say breastfeeding is simple I mean those who are successfully doing so. Simple is the opposite of complicated. Simple is the opposite of hard. Simple is not easy!

Trust me I found certain aspects of breastfeeding to be hard.

The act itself though is still simple.

breastfeeding baby number 2

What I Plan to Do Differently with Breastfeeding Baby #2

I am telling myself I am going to pump more and use the bottle on occasion. We got to the point with our first baby that the bottle was no longer an option. This led to breastfeeding burnout.

I think I will wean this child earlier than I did with my first. She went about 14 months. I would like to wrap it up closer to the one-year mark with this baby.

I don’t need to be a supermom and I am ok with that.

Do I Recommend Breastfeeding to New Moms

Clearly, I am a breastfeeding fan. I just listed 5 ways I find it convenient!

I would caution new moms that breastfeeding can be hard and it is easy to get overwhelmed. Try to think of it in the simple form that it is. Try not to let too many people and too much advice overwhelm and confuse you.

I also recommend you think about your lifestyle. Do you plan to send your baby to daycare after maternity leave? If so you absolutely must get them comfortable with the bottle!

Keep those things in mind, but other than that I would say go for it! Breastfeeding is great in so many ways.

Final Thoughts

Breastfeeding is an absolute journey. Do not compare yourself to others. Focus on you and your baby. That is what is important. If breastfeeding is causing you so much stress and anxiety it is hurting your relationship with your baby it is time to consider quitting. If you are miserable at the thought of feeding your baby it is probably time to quit breastfeeding.

If you are choosing to breastfed, you are likely doing it to benefit your baby. Make sure it continues to benefit you and your baby. Both of you are important.

Good luck with breastfeeding momma!

Check Out My Articles

The Haakaa: a Simple, Affordable, and Effective tool for Breastfeeding Moms

7 Smart Ways to Cut Costs and Save Money when having a Baby

Why I Regret Exclusively Breastfeeding! The Huge Mistake I Made!

How You Can Get Prepared to Welcome Baby #2

Which Pregnancy Do You Think was Better the First or Second?

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