How to Best Shop for Baby’s First Christmas

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Before Christmas

Let’s first start with getting ready for Christmas. This is the shopping you need to do for items you need before Christmas morning.

Some quick things you may want before the 25th include a nice outfit for parties or church, pajamas to wear on Christmas Eve, and baby’s first Christmas ornament to hang on the tree.

For a little girl or boy, you may need a pair of fancy shoes, tights, or even a bow to match a dress. It is fun to have one nice Christmas outfit for special occasions during the holiday season.

Pro-Tip: Look at consignment stores for these nice Christmas outfits. Often what you find will have been worn only once making it in near perfect condition.

If you plan to have your child in cute pajamas on Christmas morning you need to have them ready ahead of time.

Baby’s first Christmas ornament can be given on the 25th or early so it can spend more time on the tree.

You may also want to purchase any other items you want to start as Christmas traditions. Some people open small gifts like books leading up to Christmas. Others have an elf on the shelf that they move around the month of December.


You need to set a budget for what you plan to spend on baby’s first Christmas. Along with this budget, you should make a list of specific items you want to give them.

If you go into stores or search online without specific constraints you will go wild. After all, you are excited for their first major holiday. You want to give them the world.

I hate to burst your bubble though but they are one year old or less. They will not remember this holiday. The gifts you give them do not matter all that much.

That is why you need to limit your spending. Stay within your budget. Think about all the future years where the gifts will become more costly.

I also believe you should consider getting toys that they will not quickly outgrow. Their development during this time is rapid.

Get a couple of quality gives that will last a while rather than many junk gifts they will quickly outgrow.

Consider buying gifts they need like clothing and shoes. Socks for example make a great stocking stuffer.

Maybe you could establish a gift-giving structure.

For example, 1 big gift, 3 medium gifts, and 5 stocking stuffers.


Age plays a big role in your baby’s first Christmas. Is your child 2 months old or 10 months old when celebrating the holiday? This plays a role in the gifts you will give them.

Along with their age at Christmas time is when their first birthday is. If you know in 5 or 6 months they will have a birthday then maybe you don’t worry about purchasing clothing to grow into. However, if your baby has a January or February birthday then go ahead and buy items they will enjoy in the summer months.

Take advantage of Christmas in combination with their birthday to get them what they need for the full year.

shop for baby's first Christmas

Types of Gifts

Not all gifts are equal. They can be divided up into many categories.

4 common ones are: somethings they want, something they need, something they read, and something they wear.

Something They Want

For your baby’s first Christmas they do not know what they want. This is your opportunity to get them something you think they would enjoy like a riding car or a water table that they can grow into.

Something They Need

Often this can become clothing related. However, you can take it in a different angle. Does your child need a toothbrush? What about anything they need for daycare such as a new lunch box as they may be approaching solid foods.

Shoot you could even wrap up a box of Motrin if you are running low.

Something They Read

This is an easy one. Look for sturdy cardboard books. Books that are interactive with things to touch are fun for this young age. You could also consider getting them their first Bible if they haven’t received one yet. Or a book about the Christmas story that you read every year.

Something They Wear

Christmas is a great time to stock up on clothing for the upcoming seasons. Take an inventory of what your baby needs. Are they low on pants, but doing well on shirts? Do they need a sunhat once the weather gets warm?


Ok time to dive into my gift list. You can click the links to check them out on Amazon and see the current prices. Remember the idea is to get quality toys they can grow into.

We also want to avoid toys that are simple in that you push a button and it makes a sound. Once your baby realizes this, the toys become quite useless.

Some of these toys will be more appropriate for baby’s that are closer to 2 months, while others will be more appropriate for those that are closer to 10 months and beyond. I am a big fan of gifts to grow into. It doesn’t make sense to buy gifts that are below your child’s ability.

Large Gifts

Water Table

Pikler Triangle

Play Kitchen

Climb and Crawl Blocks

Medium Gifts

Baby Doll

Stroller/Shopping Cart

Hair Brush

Galt Pop Up Toy

Stacking Ring Tower

Food Cutter

Jumbo Crayons

3 Shape Puzzle

Object Permanence Box

Outdoor Swing

Stocking Stuffers






Yogurt Melts

Gifts from Others

On a final note remember other people will likely be purchasing gifts for your baby. This is another reason not to go too crazy on your budget.

If you are particular in what they get I strongly recommend creating a wish list for family members to look at.

Keep in mind though that everyone has their own budget. Put items of varying amounts on the wish list.

This is a great opportunity to make grandparents feel like they are getting something for your baby that they really could use.

You are more likely to keep and like the gift your child receives because you approved it on your wish list.

This way everyone is happy.


A final reminder to focus on the season. Gifts are not what life is about. Try to create traditions that do not revolve around gifts at all.

Enjoy your holiday season and make the most of this special time.

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