The Ultimate Guide to a Clean and Tidy Home: 4 Simple and Effective Ways

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Keeping a clean home doesn’t have to be hard. I realize for some it is quite a battle. To others, it may even feel like a war.

Let me help you tackle the mess. You can do this!

Here are four ways to keep your home clean.

1. Less to Clean

If you are struggling to keep a clean home do yourself a favor and make it easier.  How do we do that? The first step is to get rid of stuff! 

Get rid of furniture or décor that no longer serves you. Time spent dusting any useless items is dumb. Declutter knickknacks. It is ok to have empty space in your home.

Take a Big Step to Get Your Home More Organized by Decluttering these 10 Items

Go through piles and pitch items you clearly aren’t using. If you have any pile of items that have sat for even a month these items are not a part of your daily life. You don’t need them. You won’t even miss them.

Do you have cabinets or drawers that you frequently spend time reorganizing? Do you use what is in them? Reorganizing is eating up your time. Instead of reorganizing, clean them out!

If you want more minimalism tips check out my article Become a Minimal Mom and See the Ways Your Daily Life Improves.

Make sure everything has a place. When everyone in your household knows where stuff goes fewer items will be left out. When everything is in its place you have less to clean.

Similar items should also be kept together. This helps in knowing where they go and also in not owning too many duplicates.

And finally, my biggest tip in having less is downsizing your home. Am I crazy to suggest this? Maybe!

But in all seriousness maybe your house is too big for you and your family to maintain.

It is pretty simple. Less space equals less cleaning.

2. Prevent Dirt from Happening

Don’t let the dirt enter your home whenever possible.

Start with your garage. Frequently clean out your garage or whatever way you enter your home. By keeping this area clean you track less dirt into your home.

Keep the front porch or your mudroom clean as well.

The next step is to take off your shoes immediately. Think about all the places you wear those shoes…parking lots, public restrooms, hospitals, restaurants…it’s gross. Shoes are filthy. Don’t track all that around your home.

Get your air filters cleaned. Have you ever done this? It can significantly cut down on dust. Nobody likes dusting. It’s boring.

Another way to prevent the mess is to go outside!

When the weather is nice take activities outside.

Eat dinner on the patio, especially if you have messy children. Do projects and crafts outside. Playing with Play-Doh or paint can be done outside just as easily as inside.

Plus you have the bonus of getting fresh air.

When it’s summer do certain tasks outside such as cutting your nails or hair.

I’ve been known to cut my husband’s hair out on the back porch. Why would I do this in the house where I’ll be concerned with clean up? On the back porch yes I still have to clean the clippers and such, but other than that I let the wind take care of the rest.

These little things add up.  Do them to avoid allowing the mess to enter your house.

4 Ways to keep Your Home Clean

3. Make Your Steps Count

When you are going around your house make the most of those steps. If you are a busy parent you don’t have time to waste. And if you do have free time you don’t want to spend it cleaning.

Say in the morning first thing you use your bathroom. Then you go to the kitchen to take your vitamins or get your coffee. While going to the kitchen, take the bathroom trash can to dump into the main kitchen trash. Then, take the trashcan back to your bathroom when you head in that direction to get ready for the day.

It is quite simple.

If you have a two-story home teach this to your children. Before they go upstairs for the evening do a quick look around and grab anything that belongs up in their bedrooms. 

Any time there is a reason to go upstairs take something with you. It could be toys, laundry, or cleaning supplies.

Multitask when possible to make the most of your time. I often clean the shower while I’m in it. Is that weird?

I find it easier than trying to find another time to get it done. It also reduces the amount of water I spill on the floor. Trying to clean the shower while staying dry is apparently a challenge for me.

These aren’t my most enjoyable showers, but it gets two things done at once.

Do you ever microwave water to a boil? Have you noticed it steams up the microwave?

This is the perfect time to take a rag and do a quick wipe around the inside. Everything will be loose and easy to remove. Of course, remove the water you intend to use before dropping crumbs into it. Do I need to specify this? Hopefully, that makes sense!

A huge part of my cleaning routine is cleaning as I go. This is something I always do while cooking. I clean up the dishes I’ve already used while the food cooks. If measuring spoons or cutting boards are dirty get them cleaned and put away or loaded in the dishwasher ASAP. Try doing this when you make your next meal!

This way once you are done with dinner there is less to clean up. Get it done while you are already walking around the kitchen and keeping an eye on the food. After dinner, you will have more time to spend with your family. Learn how to multitask and make your steps count. The more you do it the more it becomes second nature to you.

4. Frequent & Fast! Not Deep Cleaning

I will be completely honest and say I do not like to clean and I do not clean very often. In our household, we make a huge effort to avoid the mess from the start. But sometimes you just have to get down to the actual cleaning.

Cleaning is much easier to do as smaller tasks. Break up your tasks and rooms into small sections. One day, for example, do all the bathroom sinks, the next day all the toilets.

Another way to get more done is to tell yourself you are just going to do the sinks…then before you know it you did the whole bathroom. Sometimes all it takes is getting started.

I don’t believe in letting your house go. Letting the mess happen and then taking a full day to do a complete cleaning overhaul. Uhm that’s a no.

Who has time to give up an entire day?

Rome wasn’t built in a day and your house doesn’t need to be cleaned in one either.

I find it more satisfying to have a house that is constantly 85% clean rather than 100% clean but only for a day.

Clean frequently and fast. Get your dishes done daily. Complete a task while waiting on the microwave, your coffee, or water to boil for tea. Take these small moments and get something done.

Involve your family. Take ten minutes after dinner as a family for a quick clean. First, start with cleaning up the kitchen, then move on to the living areas.

Clean fast and clean small and you will get more done than you could imagine.

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Get Cleaning

Put these little steps into action and see how much it helps with your day to day cleaning. This strategy has you cleaning small throughout the day, but doesn’t require you to block off a large time to clean.

Make it a part of the flow of your day. Teach your children their part in helping around the house.

With a bit of discipline, you can keep your home clean.

What tips do you have for keeping your home clean?

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