Thoughtful Gifts to Bring Mom When Meeting the New Baby

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When you get to go meet a new baby you typically bring a gift or food. This could be the baby of a friend or family member. Continue reading to find out what I think any new mom would be happy to receive.

Gifts for Baby

It is common to show up with a gift for the baby. My top three suggestions include sleepers, diapers, and wipes.

When it comes to clothing a great option is sleepers. I suggest going for a larger size, maybe 6 or 9 months. Not something that will need to be stored for too long.

I do not suggest you purchase a newborn or 0-3 month size sleeper. You never know when you are actually going to get to meet the baby. It may take a few weeks. You would hate for them to have outgrown the size you planned to gift them.

You can get any outfit you would like, but I can almost 100% guarantee that a sleeper will get plenty of use. A random outfit, especially in the small sizes will likely not get used.

As more and more of my family and friends have babies the consensus is sleepers are on all day the first three months. Outfits only happen for special occasions.

Other practical gifts include diapers and wipes. I am just a practical person. You can never have enough and most new parents will appreciate them.

Gifts for Mom

If you are close with the new momma maybe you want to give them something. I have some general ideas for you, but of course, gifts should be based on the individual.

I feel like a common gift would be something for the new momma to pamper themselves with. Something like a face mask or a bath bomb. These can be great gifts, however, I also see where a new mom doesn’t feel like they have time for these activities.

If someone got me a face mask I of course would be thankful, but it just wouldn’t do it for me.

What I would love are some nice chocolates!!!

Chocolates are a great gift. They are not something that has to be stored long-term or takes any time commitment. They are simple and a quick way to make a new momma feel a moment of luxury.

Not to mention the number of hormones new mommas are dealing with. Chocolate always helps with monthly hormones, so why wouldn’t it help now?

Consider chocolates when giving a new mom a gift.

It might seem random, but I think it would go over quite well.

If the new momma is someone you feel comfortable making a larger purchase for consider a bathrobe or new set of pajamas.

While home on maternity leave it is easy to spend every day in an old pair of sweats. Something new could help the new momma feel put together and pampered.

If you purchase clothing or a robe make sure it has pockets! Pockets are your life when you are a parent. They can hold whatever you need!

Gifts for a new mom


Food is awesome! Just be mindful of what you bring.

Always bring food in disposable containers. Do not expect any dishes to get returned. New parents don’t have the mental space to remember which dish belongs to which person.

Bring simple dishes. Things that are already made like a small fruit tray or trail mix are helpful. I had a friend bring me muffins which was awesome. They were easy to quickly grab as a snack.

Another great gift I received was lactation cookies. Did they actually work?! I have no idea!

But I ate them. They were delicious. And they were chocolate chip.

If they helped with my milk supply great!

If you do an actual meal make it oven-ready. Gift it in a disposable oven-safe container.

I would also suggest only making portions for two meals. Do not give a married couple with just a newborn baby a massive dish of lasagna. It is too much!

Instead, make it at home and keep half for yourself and give half as a gift.

Other Gifts

Gift cards are always great. No parent will complain about that!

Another thing people do is gift a night of free babysitting coupon. Though a little cheesy, this could be very welcome in the future.

Anything you think the new parents would appreciate or enjoy will be very much appreciated.

Final Thoughts

Before you go visit a new baby ask the parents what they need, formula, diapers, food, etc. Try to be helpful if they will let you.

When one of my friends visited I did go take a shower. I let her hold my baby and chill with her while I took some time for myself.

Offer for a new mom to do this. They likely will say no and that’s ok. But offer anyway.

When you try to do something for a new mom think about them. Think about what they may like, want, or need.

I hope this helps get you thinking of great gift ideas!

Enjoy meeting the new baby!

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