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Baby stuff is straight-up crazy and overwhelming. The number of items you COULD put on your registry or purchase during your baby’s first year is definitely in the hundreds of items.
This is what I want to tell all the new mommas. This is what I used and this is what I used all the time. I’m not trying to shove all these products on you, but I honestly think this is what you need. Please take my advice!
I can’t help myself. I love to give advice.
You just don’t know as a first time mom. And I wish I knew then what I know now.
This is my list of most frequently used items, particularly during the newborn phase. These items were used on the daily or weekly.
Consider adding these items to your baby registry.
1. Swaddles
I’m a pro-swaddle momma. You can do your research and see if swaddling feels right for you. We quit using swaddles around 4 months once H started rolling. Because H didn’t sleep in a lounger, swing, or bassinet, but rather went straight to her crib the swaddle gave her that snug feeling while in such a large space.
2. Receiving Blankets
Receiving blankets are just that easy go-to item. They are often used for burp rags, but I’ve thrown them down to change a diaper. I’ve even used them as a small floor blanket, especially before your baby is rolling.
Another tip for how to use them is if you use a seat, such as a bouncer, put one across the top area where your baby may spit up or drool. This saves you from frequently washing the actual seat. It is much easier to throw the receiving blanket in the wash rather than taking apart the seat and carefully washing it.
Some people think these are such a random thing with no purpose, but I see them as a multipurpose item with no strict limitations.
3. Floor Blanket
A floor blanket in whatever room baby spends most of their time can be a carpet and rug saver. Our floor blanket caught hundreds of spit ups, not to mention a few blow-outs. Blankets are much easier to wash than carpet or rugs are to clean.
Blankets are also great to get your baby outside for some sunshine.
4. Infant Car Seat/Bases
You’ve got places to go and got to get baby there safely. Do your research on safety ratings and the car seat for you. I went for the infant car seat with multiple bases because H was frequently in three different vehicles. Whatever car seat you choose will be a frequently used item for sure.
5. Diapers/Wipes
Unless you are full-on diaper free you are going to need diapers and wipes. You have the option of disposables or cloth and any other variation in-between.
Basically, you need a plan for bowel movements.
If your plan is the disposable route hopefully you are gifted lots of diapers and wipes. Don’t stress if you get a variety of brands. This way you can experiment with what you like best and see if your baby reacts negatively to any type.
6. Stroller
I love my stroller. I used it a ton H’s first summer. We went with the Graco Quick Click.
It was a combination of our stroller, car seat, and one base. We then purchased an additional two bases.
There are so many factors to consider when purchasing a stroller. You may consider the storage basket, then number of cup holders (we did), or if it will be difficult to fit in your vehicle. Click here if you want to see my Comprehensive Review of the Graco FastAction Fold Jogger Travel System.
Another up and coming trend is strollers that work for a single child then can be adapted to make it a double stroller. My only negative is these strollers often require many parts purchased separately which can add up.
Find the stroller that’s right for you.
7. Toys
You don’t absolutely need toys…I suppose. I have at times given our baby a kitchen spoons and spatulas to play with. You do need stuff to keep your baby entertained and keep their mind stimulated. My preference is wooden toys for the long run. When they are teeny tiny the ceiling fan can also do the job.

8. Teethers
If your baby is anything like mine they will love chewing on stuff. Having some teethers available for them is great, especially the kind that goes in the freezer for when they are cutting teeth.
When your baby is a newborn this can be one of the first toys you introduce for them to learn how to grasp.
9. Cradle Cap Brush
We use this brush in the bath to scrub their little head. It keeps their scalp looking great. It is so gentle and because it is silicone it is ok that it gets wet.
10. Pacifier
Sometimes baby just wants to suck.
But sometimes you don’t want it to be on you.
Our baby was a pacifier baby…still is. Eventually, we will move on from it, but for now, it is a most used item without a doubt.
It is the item I would regret most if we forgot to pack it.
11. Lotion
We use lotion daily. Consistently using the SAME lotion after bath and before bedtime can help your baby realize it’s time to calm down for bedtime. This can become part of the nightly routine. Look for something as natural as possible and fragrance-free. We have stuck with Burt’s Bees.
12. Haakaa
If you are unfamiliar with the Haakaa go look it up! I go nuts for this thing. It is an affordable and simple product that is so very useful. I’ve been telling all the new moms in my personal life about it! I’ve actually written an entire post about the Haakaa, The Haakaa: a Simple, Affordable, and Effective tool for Breastfeeding Moms
13. Nursing Cover
You do you! If a nursing cover is something you need it will quickly become a frequently used item. For me, it was a must. Everyone is entitled to their level of comfortability though.
14. Nipple Balm
(postpartum/mommy items)
It’s just better to be prepared for this. It’s a sensitive subject …errrr area to say the least. Start using it immediately. Keep yourself healthy momma.
My suggestion here is to get small tubes. One should be kept at your nursing station and one in your diaper bag. If you get a third I would suggest keeping one in your bathroom for after showering and before bed.
Pro-Tip: I recently heard you can put nipple balm on before showering if you are extremely sensitive. It creates a barrier!
15. Bath Kneeler
Your baby may start out taking baths in the sink, but before you know it they will move over to the bathtub. Your baby takes baths for a long time…or basically forever.
For safety reasons and obviously to assist them, you will be in there with them for years.
Save your knees. Get a bath kneeler.
16. Bath Towel/Washcloths
You don’t specifically need baby towels and washcloths, but whatever you use to wash and dry your baby will be used often…approximately as often as you bathe your baby.
We opted for hooded towels that were toddler-sized hoping they can last longer and we can get more use out of them.
Whether you purchase new or make do with your adult towels and washcloths you will need them for baby.
The biggest thing I have learned as a new mom is to invest in items that your bay will use for a long time. Also, invest in items that go on your baby’s skin or in their body.
These items may seem obvious, but if you have pregnancy brain hopefully this list helps.
This is by no means is a complete list. There is no way I can remember every single thing, but it’s a start and some of my top picks.
Hopefully, this helps you along your way in preparing for the arrival of your baby.
What items are your most used?
Check Out My Articles
A New Parent’s Guide to Packing the Perfect Diaper Bag: Tips and Tricks
The Ultimate Guide to Baby Care: 8 Essential Tips for New Parents
The Top 11 Baby Items You Shouldn’t Waste Your Money On
Is the Graco FastAction Fold Jogger Travel System Worth the Investment?
My Top Reasons Why the Moby Wrap is Right for You
If you want a quick reference for some basic items to add to your registry you can click below to get a free download.