My Top Reasons Why the Moby Wrap is Right for You

dad holding baby in baby carrier

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The Moby Wrap is a great item to add to your registry, buy for yourself, or even purchase for a friend.

Keep reading if you want to hear the breakdown of why a Moby Wrap is an essential item for any new mom.

Price and Value

The Moby Wrap is a very affordable item. Click the link to see what it is currently listed for on Amazon.

The amount you pay is worth the value because it is an item that can be used in numerous situations. When an item can be used in multiple ways it has a better value. The Moby Wrap can be helpful in the grocery store, but also can be a way to get tasks done around the house when your baby is fussy. It can also be good for a casual walk.

Another key aspect that plays a role in the value is that it can grow with your baby. Items that are quickly outgrown may not be worth purchasing. The Moby Wrap by design is adjustable and therefore can grow with your baby up to a certain point.


A Great Product

Some small details that make the Moby Wrap a great product include the size and materials.

The fact the Moby Wrap is compact is awesome. Not very many structured carriers easily fit in a diaper bag when not being used. The Moby Wrap can be rolled up tightly and can easily fit in your diaper bag.

The Moby Wrap is also easier to store when your child outgrows it and you are saving it for the next child. It is tiny!

Another small but important detail is how easy it is to wash the wrap. Your baby is going to drool, spit-up, and may even blow out while in the Moby Wrap. You are going to need to wash it!

And finally, another thing that makes the Moby Wrap great is that it can fit nearly any momma’s body type. There are can be exceptions, but in general, the wrap is designed to form to both the baby and the wearer.

Comfort and Bonding

Sometimes babies just want to be held. This is perfectly ok. But sometimes we have other things to get done, such as eating a sandwich.

It is so much easier to accomplish a task when you have your hands or at least on hand available. I say this because when my baby was teeny tiny I still liked to have a hand to support her head at most times.

Keeping your baby close can be a necessity at times, but can also be a choice. Some parents form an attachment style bond. Having your baby physically with you during the day and night may be important to you. Carrying your baby in a wrap can help facilitate it.

The wrap can also bring a new momma comfort.

When you take your baby out in public you may not want people touching, approaching, or asking to hold your baby. Carrying your baby in the wrap will deter all of these situations from occurring.

Often time people will see the wrap and assume it is difficult to take your baby out for them to hold.

I know a lot of new mommas that struggle with postpartum anxiety. The idea of your baby being passed around can be triggering. This may be my strongest reason for getting and using the Moby Wrap.

Moby wrap


With everything, there can be negatives. I do want to be honest and point them out. The most common thing I would consider a negative is the learning curve with wearing the wrap.

You first must learn how to tie and wear the wrap.

When you first try it you will likely be lacking in confidence. Do you have it on too loose or too tight? Will this actually hold up my baby?

The biggest negative is that you need to learn how to use this baby item, and how to use it safely.

Another lesser negative is that every time you use the wrap you must refit and size it to your body. One day you may do better than others. You can’t adjust straps or buckets to the perfect fit and then leave it there for the next month.

Wearing Your Moby Wrap

When it comes to wearing your wrap let’s start out with some basic advice.

First of all practice and gain confidence at home.

Tie your Moby Wrap on following a video tutorial. If possible do this when someone else is caring for your baby, they are sleeping, or when they are happy in general.

Don’t do this when you are stressed with a fussy baby.

Find a clam time.

My next tip is to make it tighter than you think it should be. The weight of your baby will loosen it up a bit.

The fabric will have some give. Tighter is likely going to be safer than a loose wrap which leaves your baby vulnerable to falling or not having adequate head support.

The next step is to get your baby into the wrap.

I suggest doing so in front of a mirror. This will help you see all areas you are working with. If your baby is particularly heavy or wiggly you may want a partner present to help you keep your baby safe.

I would then recommend wearing your baby at home and getting comfortable with them in the wrap. You can also determine if you have your baby in a good position or if the wrap is tight enough.

Practice will build confidence.

Pro-Tip: Put your wrap on while at home if you know you are going to wear it once you arrive at your destination. For example, when I took my baby to the grocery store I would put the wrap on while at home. This way I didn’t have to manage all the material of the wrap in a dirty parking lot. Just to be clear my baby rode in the car seat to the store! Not the wrap!

I also recommend you find one way to tie your wrap and stick with it for a while. This will prevent confusion.


I am a fan of the Moby Wrap. It can be used in so many different situations! It is an affordable and versatile product.

All it takes is a little education and a lot of practice.

My final thought is… would I recommend the Moby Wrap to a friend?


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