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Ditching the swaddle can be terrifying but necessary. If your baby is rolling over it is time. You can’t put it off any longer.
Let’s talk about a few ways you can get rid of the swaddle.
Slowly Ditch the Swaddle
The slow method typically involves freeing one arm at a time. You may do the left arm out for a week and then switch to the right arm out for a week. You could only do one of the arms out then go straight to both arms out.
It is really up to you just how slowly you take it. At some point though, you are going to have that first night with both arms out. It may go well, or it may go terribly.
One thing I want you to remember is to give your baby the chance to succeed. Don’t assume they will struggle, or “fail.” It is also ok to take small steps back temporarily.
After dropping each arm and the finally freeing both arms, we swaddled our baby with both arms out for a while. Our swaddle was snug enough that it was safe under both armpits. It wasn’t loose enough to go anywhere.
I liked swaddling with both arms out simply for the routine of being placed in the swaddle and getting that same feeling of the bedtime routine. After some time we then moved to a sleep sack or wearable blanket. It is the tank top style that goes over the jammies. Just to be clear arms and hands are out and free to move.
Slowly ditching the swaddle is a gentle method that requires patience and time. It is a great method for sure.
Replace with a New Prop
Another strategy for ditching the swaddle is to replace it with another sleep prop or item. I mentioned the sleep sack or wearable blanket above, but don’t consider that a prop. It is about keeping your baby warm, not helping them sleep.
When you ditch the swaddle two common products to switch to include Merlin’s Magic Sleep Suit or the Zippadee Zip. If I were going to use one, I would go for the Zippadee Zip. It lasts longer and gives your baby more flexibility to adjust to moving. Merlin’s Magic Sleep Suit tends to be more short-lived and is still restraining your baby.
They need to start being able to sleep while having the ability to move their body.
Before introducing a new prop I would first try ditching the swaddle without introducing something else.
If you find your baby struggling and are getting to your breaking point then try something else. Carefully consider whatever you introduce. Is it something that will last a while or is it something to break after another only a month or two?
Sometimes you have to decide between pushing through a struggle phase versus pushing it off and delaying the struggle.
Sometimes though what your baby is currently struggling with now, they won’t be struggling with later. Everything comes in phases with little ones.
There are other props you could introduce such as a sound machine, pacifier, or something else that is not related to what they wear.

Drop the Swaddle Cold Turkey
The final option is to drop the swaddle cold turkey. This could be rough for a few nights.
I do recommend you at least put them in a sleep sack/wearable blanket. I can’t image taking my little one from the tight confines of a swaddle to just being in their crib in their jammies.
Personally, this would not be my method of choice.
I would instead find a compromise between ditching cold turkey and slowly ditching the swaddle.
When to Ditch the Swaddle
If you are reading this article you have likely come to the conclusion it is time to ditch the swaddle. It may be due to your baby rolling over or another reason.
If your baby is rolling it is time to ditch the swaddle whether you are ready or not.
It can be hard to make the call to get rid of the swaddle. If your baby is sleeping well with the swaddle you don’t want to disrupt your baby’s sleep patterns.
If I could recommend a great time to any new moms it would be before rolling and before the 4-month sleep regression. I would advise parents to consider weaning their baby off the swaddle around 2 months old.
Share this article with any new moms you know! It could help them out!
If you do find yourself in the 4-month sleep regression, but your baby is not yet rolling you have a difficult decision. Do you remove the swaddle while your baby is struggling with the 4-month sleep regression? This could make the regressions worse or more difficult to get through.
However, do you want to make it through the 4-month sleep regression and then find your baby quickly rolling over? Now that means ditching the swaddle which could mean more difficult nights.
The other lovely milestone that could come is the appearance of their first tooth. So you could have a baby that is teething, going through the 4-month sleep regression, and now rolling which means they have to get out of the swaddle.
The timing can be complete chaos!
If you want to read more about month 4 check out A Real Day in the Life with Our Sweet 4 Month Old Baby.
Moving Forward
The process and difficulties of ditching the swaddle will not last forever. As with every phase during the first year, IT WILL NOT LAST FOREVER.
Continue to do your best to get through it and come out on the other side with good sleep habits.
Start picturing how you want sleep to look for your household. I don’t just mean simply sleeping through the night. We all want that!
Think about what long-term habits you want to form. Can either parent put your baby to bed? Do you want a long or short bedtime routine? There are so many other elements to consider.
Talk with your partner about what you envision future sleep and night routines to look like and see how closely it resembles what they envision.
Your baby cannot sleep in a swaddle forever. Start taking steps whether large or small towards ditching the swaddle. Go into it with a plan and strong communication with your partner. You will get through it! Be strong and be positive.
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